Samsung CE2774NT, CE2714NT manual Quick Look-up Guide, If you want to defrost some food

Models: CE2714N CE2774N CE2714NT CE2774NT

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Quick Look-up Guide


Model : CE2774N/CE2774NT



If you want to cook some food


Place the food in the oven.



Turn the Cooking Control knob to Manual Cook( )






Select the power level by pressing the

button once or


more times.



Select the cooking time by turning the dial knob as






Press the





Cooking starts.




The oven beeps four times when cooking is





If you want to defrost some food

1. Place the frozen food in the oven.

Turn the Cooking Control knob to Manual Cook() symbol.

Select the defrost(



) by turning the cooking

control knob.




2.Select the cooking time by turning the dial knob as required.

3.Press the button.

If you want to add an extra minute

Leave the food in the oven.

Turn the Cooking Control knob to Manual Cook() symbol. Press +30s once or more times for each extra 30 seconds that you wish to add.

If you want to grill some food

Check that the heating element is in the horizontal position.

1. Place the food in the oven.

Turn the Cooking Control knob to Manual Cook() symbol.

2. Press the button.

3.Select the cooking time by turning the dial knob.

4.Press the button.


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Samsung CE2774NT, CE2714NT Quick Look-up Guide, If you want to defrost some food, If you want to add an extra minute