cOnnecting a DeVice tO tHe DUaL DOcK
How to connect a device to the Dual Dock.
12V | 2A |
| 2A | |
| C 12V | |
1. The DUAl DOcK is located on the back of the product. To open, push it in gently.
2. If you have a Samsung Galaxy device, connect the device to the 5 pin (smaller) connector to connect to the Dual Dock. If you have a Apple device, connect the device to the 30 pin (larger) connector on the Dual Dock.
3. Lift the device support up as shown to prevent the device from sliding or falling off the Dual Dock.
▪Turn on your Samsung Galaxy device before you attach it to the Dual Dock.
▪This unit doesn't support the simultaneous docking of Samsung Galaxy and Apple devices.
▪Connect your Samsung Galaxy or Apple device to the Dual Dock before starting Docking mode.
(See page 16)