Povezovanje sistema Wireless Audio with Dock v brezžično omrežje

Ta odsek opisuje 4 načine povezave sistema Wireless Audio with Dock z brezžičnim omrežjem.

Nekatere funkcije, povezane z omrežjem, so morda drugačne od razloženih. To je odvisno od delovanja in podprtih funkcij uporabljene dostopne točke.

Če želite konfigurirati omrežno povezavo na vaš usmerjevalnik ali modem, glejte navodila za uporabo usmerjevalnika ali modema.

Sistem Wireless Audio with Dock podpira naslednje varnostne protokole: --WEP ; Open



Sistem Wireless Audio with Dock lahko povežete tudi z omrežjem, ki nima varnosti in gesla.

Če brezžični modem podpira DHCP, lahko sistem Wireless Audio with Dock za povezavo z brezžičnim omrežjem uporablja DHCP ali statični naslov IP.

Izberite kanal na brezžičnem usmerjevalniku, ki se trenutno ne uporablja. Če kanal, ki je nastavljen za brezžični usmerjevalnik, trenutno uporablja druga naprava v bližini, bo prišlo do motenj in napake v komunikaciji.

Če izberete način čistega visokega pretoka (Greenfield) 802.11n in je vrsta šifriranja vašega usmerjevalnika nastavljena na WEP ali TKIP, sistem Wireless Audio with Dock ne bo podpiral povezave v skladu z novimi specifikacijami certifikata Wi-Fi.

Brezžično omrežje lahko, odvisno od načina uporabe, povzroči interferenco (delovanje usmerjevalnika, oddaljenost, ovire, interferenca zaradi drugih radijskih naprav itd.).

Funkciji WPS(PBC) / WPS(PIN) ne delujeta, če je varnostni protokol nastavljen na WEP.

Če vam nastavitev omrežja ne uspe , pritisnite in zadržite gumb WPS/RESET (WPS/PONASTAVI) na

zadnji plošči, dokler indikator ali ne utripne dvakrat. Počakajte, da rdeča lučka neha utripati, izklopite enoto in jo nato ponovno vklopite. Poskusite znova.

Povezavanje sistema Wireless Audio with Dock z napravo Apple z iOS 5.0 ali novejšim (skupna raba informacij)

Ta način nastavitve omrežja je predviden za uporabnike naprav Apple z informacijskim sistemom iOS 5.0 ali novejšim

1.Povežite napravo Apple z vašim omrežjem.

2.Izberite v sistemu Wireless Audio with Dock, nato pa povežite napravo iPod /iPhone /iPad s sistemom Dual Dock.

3.S konico pisala ali podobnim predmetom pritisnite in dlje kot 1 sekundo zadržite gumb WPS/RESET (WPS/PONASTAVI) na zadnji plošči sistema Wireless Audio with Dock. Ikona bo enkrat utripnila. Izpustite gumb.

4. V pojavnem meniju na zaslonu naprave Apple izberite <Allow> (Dovoli).

5. Spremenite način na in indikator bo začel utripati rdeče. Nato bo začel svetiti belo.

Ko se sistem Wireless Audio with Dock poveže, indikator preneha utripati rdeče in začne svetiti belo.

Omrežna povezava je končana.


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Samsung DA-E670/XE manual WPA-PSK Tkip WPA2-PSK AES

DA-E670/XE specifications

The Samsung DA-E670/XE is a high-performance audio dock that beautifully marries modern design with cutting-edge technology, delivering an exceptional sound experience. One of the main features of this device is its dual docking capabilities, allowing it to accommodate both Apple iOS and Samsung Galaxy devices. This versatility makes it a popular choice for users with varied smartphone ecosystems, providing seamless connectivity and ease of use.

One of the standout technologies employed in the DA-E670/XE is the inclusion of vacuum tube technology. This innovative feature enhances the sound quality by adding warmth and richness to the audio output, which is especially noticeable during the playback of vocal and acoustic music. The integration of this technology with modern digital amplification ensures that users enjoy a well-rounded listening experience that is both dynamic and engaging.

In terms of sound output, the DA-E670/XE boasts a total power output of 100 watts, making it suitable for both intimate settings and larger spaces. The speaker system is designed with a high-fidelity sound structure, ensuring balanced audio reproduction across various genres. With two 20-watt speakers and a built-in subwoofer, users can expect deep bass, clear mids, and crisp highs, creating an immersive sound stage.

The design of the DA-E670/XE is equally impressive, featuring a sleek, contemporary look that complements any modern interior. The wood finish gives it an elegant touch, distinguishing it from more conventional plastic speaker docks. The intuitive interface, including easy-to-use buttons and a clear display, makes navigating through different functions straightforward.

Moreover, this audio dock supports Bluetooth connectivity, allowing users to stream music wirelessly from their smartphones, tablets, or computers. With support for multiple audio formats, it can play back a variety of music files, enhancing its versatility.

The Samsung DA-E670/XE stands out as a sophisticated audio solution, combining aesthetic appeal with advanced technology. It is an excellent choice for audiophiles and casual listeners alike, providing high-quality sound performance and connectivity options that cater to today's multimedia needs. Its ability to blend traditional audio warmth with modern digital precision makes it a remarkable addition to any sound system.