Samsung DA-E750/EN, DA-E751/EN, DA-E751/XE, DA-E750/XE manual Kaj je Bluetooth?

Models: DA-E750/XE DA-E751/XE DA-E751/EN DA-E750/EN

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Sistem Wireless Audio with Dock lahko povežete z napravami Bluetooth in poslušate glasbo z visoko kakovostnim stereo zvokom in to vse brez kablov!

Kaj je Bluetooth?

Tehnologija Bluetooth omogoča napravam, združljivim z Bluetoothom, enostavno medsebojno povezovanje s kratko brezžično povezavo.

Naprava Bluetooth lahko zaradi načina uporabe povzroči šum ali napake v delovanju, če:

-- Del vašega telesa je v stiku s sprejemnim/oddajnim sistemom naprave Bluetooth ali sistema Wireless Audio with Dock.

-- Je signal oviran zaradi namestitve ob steni, v vogalu ali ob pisarniški pregradi;

-- Je naprava izpostavljena električnim motnjam zaradi naprav, ki delujejo v enakem frekvenčnem pasu, na primer medicinskih naprav, mikrovalovnih pečic in brezžičnih omrežij.

Sistem Wireless Audio with Dock in naprava Bluetooth morata biti med združevanjem blizu.

Večja, kot je razdalja med sistemom Wireless Audio with Dock in napravo Bluetooth, slabša je kakovost. Če razdalja presega območje delovanja funkcije Bluetooth, bo povezava prekinjena.

Na območjih s slabim sprejemom povezava Bluetooth morda ne bo pravilno delovala.

Povezava Bluetooth deluje samo, če je naprava Bluetooth dovolj blizu sistema. Povezava se prekine samodejno, če napravo Bluetooth umaknete izven dosega. Celo znotraj obsega se lahko kakovost zvoka zmanjša zaradi ovir, kot so stene ali vrata.

Ta brezžična naprava lahko med delovanjem povzroči električne motnje.

Morda boste morali vnesti kodo PIN (geslo), ko boste napravo Bluetooth povezovali s sistemom Wireless Audio with Dock. Če se prikaže okno za vnos kode PIN, vnesite <0000>.

Sistem Wireless Audio with Dock podpira podatke SBC (44,1 kHz, 48 kHz). Funkcija AVRCP ni podprta.

Povezavo lahko vzpostavite samo z napravo Bluetooth, ki podpira funkcijo A2DP (AV).

Povezave ni mogoče vzpostaviti z napravo Bluetooth, ki podpira samo funkcijo HF (prostoročno).

Povezavo lahko hkrati vzpostavite s samo eno napravo Bluetooth.

Ko izklopite sistem Wireless Audio with Dock in prekinete združevanje, se slednje ne bo obnovilo samodejno. Za ponovno vzpostavitev povezave morate napravi ponovno združiti.

Sistem Wireless Audio with Dock morda ne bo pravilno iskal ali se povezal v naslednjih primerih: --Če je okoli sistema Wireless Audio with Dock močno električno polje;

--Če je s sistemom Wireless Audio with Dock istočasno združenih več naprav Bluetooth. --Če je naprava Bluetooth izklopljena, ni nameščena ali je pokvarjena.

--Upoštevajte, da naprave, kot so mikrovalovne pečice, brezžični pretvorniki LAN, fluorescentne luči in plinski štedilniki uporabljajo enak frekvenčni obseg kot naprava Bluetooth, zaradi česar lahko pride do električnih motenj.


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Samsung DA-E750/EN, DA-E751/EN, DA-E751/XE, DA-E750/XE manual Kaj je Bluetooth?

DA-E750/XE, DA-E751/XE, DA-E751/EN, DA-E750/EN specifications

The Samsung DA-E750 and DA-E751 series are innovative wireless audio systems that combine advanced technology with elegant design to deliver high-quality sound. These models reflect Samsung's commitment to enhancing the audio experience while integrating seamlessly into modern homes.

One of the standout features of the DA-E750 and DA-E751 is their dual docking capability. Both models support a variety of devices, including Apple’s iPhone and iPad as well as Android smartphones. This versatility allows users to enjoy their music collection without the hassle of compatibility issues in the rapidly evolving mobile tech landscape.

The audio performance of these systems is powered by Vacuum Tube Amplification technology, which provides a rich and warm sound profile. This technology is often favored by audiophiles for its ability to enhance musical detail and deliver a more immersive listening experience. The incorporation of modern digital amplification alongside the classic vacuum tubes ensures that users get the best of both worlds: warmth from the tubes and efficiency from the digital circuits.

Another significant characteristic of the DA-E750 and DA-E751 is their wireless connectivity options. Equipped with Bluetooth technology, these models allow users to stream music effortlessly from any compatible device. This wireless feature not only provides convenience but also eliminates clutter, making it easier to enjoy music in any room of the house.

Equipped with powerful speakers, these audio systems deliver impressive sound quality with deep bass and crisp highs. The design also features a sleek, modern aesthetic that fits well in any home decor, ensuring that the audio system is both a functional and stylish addition to the living space.

Moreover, the DA-E751 models come with Wi-Fi connectivity, enabling access to various streaming services, which enhances the listening options available. Users can enjoy music from platforms such as Spotify and Deezer without the need for additional devices, making it an all-in-one entertainment solution.

In conclusion, the Samsung DA-E750/EN, DA-E751/EN, DA-E751/XE, and DA-E750/XE are premium audio systems that offer an impressive combination of versatility, quality, and design. With dual docking, vacuum tube amplification, wireless connectivity, and a stylish look, these models cater to the demands of modern audiophiles and casual listeners alike. Whether for home entertainment or simply enjoying music in solitude, Samsung’s offerings ensure an immersive audio experience that resonates with enthusiasts and everyday users.