English -
Title List
Title refers to a recorded video and audio stream. Title
List shows a list to help you select a title.
Since the title list consists of the information on
stream that is actually recorded, if one title is deleted,
that title cannot be played again.
Play List
This refers to a unit of playback, which is made by
selecting a desired scene in the entire Title List. When
one playlist is played, only the scene selected by the
user will play and then stop. Since only the informa-
tion necessary for playing a desired scene is included
in a playlist, even if that playlist is deleted, the origi-
nal stream will not be deleted.
If recording or editing could have not been finished
properly because of any kinds of error, such as sud-
den power failure, the recording or editing might
have not been done.
Please be aware that a material that has been dam-
aged is unable to be retrieved to its original con-


Basic Editing (Title List)......................................
Advance Editing (Play List) ................................
Editing the Playlist
Disc Manager
This section introduces basic functions of DVD
editing and explains both edit functions for the
recording on a disc and edit functions for the entire