Pirms sazināšanās ar apkopes centru

Zibspuldze neuzplaiksnās

Ir izvēlēts izslēgtas zibspuldzes režīms Atspējojiet izslēgtas zibspuldzes režīmu

Attiecīgajā kameras režīmā nevar izmantot zibspuldzi Skatiet zibspuldzes instrukciju (33. lpp.)

Parādās nepareizs datums un laiks

Ir iestatīts nepareizs datums un laiks vai arī ir atgriezti kameras noklusējuma iestatījumi

Atiestatiet pareizu datumu un laiku

Kameras pogas nedarbojas

Kameras kļūme

Izņemiet bateriju / akumulatoru, ievietojiet to atpakaļ un ieslēdziet kameru

Kartes kļūda radās, kamēr karte atradās kamerā. Nepareizs atmiņas kartes formāts

Formatējiet atmiņas karti

Attēlus nevar atskaņot

Nepareizs faila nosaukums (neatbilst DCF formātam) Nemainiet attēlu failu nosaukumus

Attēla krāsas atšķiras no fotografējamā objekta krāsām Nepareizi iestatīts baltā balanss vai efekti

Izvēlieties piemērotus baltā balansa un efektu iestatījumus

Attēli ir pārāk spilgti

Ekspozīcija ir pārāk liela

Atiestatiet ekspozīcijas kompensāciju

Ārējā monitorā nav attēlu

Ārējais monitors nav pareizi savienots ar kameru Pārbaudiet savienojumus un vadus

Atmiņas kartē ir neatbilstoši faili

Ievietojiet atmiņas karti ar atbilstošiem failiem

Izmantojot datora pārlūkprogrammu, neparādās fails [Noņemamais disks]

Kabelis ir nepareizi pievienots Pārbaudiet savienojumu

Kamera ir izslēgta Ieslēdziet kameru

Operētājsistēma nav Windows XP, Vista, 7 / Mac OS 10.3. vai arī dators neatbalsta USB

Instalējiet Windows XP, Vista, 7 / Mac OS 10.3 datorā, kas atbalsta USB.

Atseviđíos gadîjumos daďa no LCD ekrâna neieslçdzas vai parâdâs pleíis.

Lai gan LCD ekrâns tiek ražots, izmantojot augstâkâs

tehnoloěijas, dažreiz smalkie pikseďi var netikt apgaismoti, kâ arî var parâdîties sarkani, balti vai zili pleíi.

Dis fenomens neietekmç uzňemto attçlu kvalitâti un netiek uzskatîts par bojâjumu.

Uzņemot spoža objekta attēlu uz LCD ekrāna parādās vertikāla līnija.

Ja objekts atstaro spožu gaismu var parādīties pelēkas, melnas, sarkanas vai purpura krāsas vertikālas līnijas.

Šo fenomenu sauc par traipu un tas neietekmē uzņemto attēlu kvalitāti. Tas nav bojājums.


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Samsung EC-ES65ZZBPSE2 manual Zibspuldze neuzplaiksnās, Parādās nepareizs datums un laiks, Kameras pogas nedarbojas


The Samsung EC-ES65 series of digital cameras, including models EC-ES65ZZBPBIT, EC-ES65ZZBPBE3, EC-ES65ZZBPPE2, EC-ES65ZZBPBE2, and EC-ES65ZZBPWE3, represent a blend of advanced technology and user-friendly features. These compact cameras are designed to deliver high-quality imaging and a range of functionalities suitable for photography enthusiasts and casual users alike.

One of the key features of the EC-ES65 series is its 16.1 megapixel CCD sensor, which captures detailed and vibrant images with excellent color accuracy. This high-resolution sensor ensures that users can print their photos in larger sizes without losing clarity. Additionally, the cameras come equipped with a 5x optical zoom lens, allowing users to capture both wide-angle and distant subjects with ease.

The EC-ES65 series also incorporates Samsung’s Smart Filter technology, enabling creative photography by applying various effects to images, such as fisheye, miniature, and sketch effects. This feature enhances user creativity and allows photographers to add a personal touch to their pictures. Furthermore, the cameras support a variety of shooting modes, including sunset, portrait, and macro, making it easy for users to select the optimal settings for different environments and subjects.

Another notable feature is the Smart Face Recognition technology, which intelligently detects and focuses on faces in the frame, ensuring sharp and well-composed portraits. This feature is especially useful for capturing family gatherings or group photos, as it automatically prioritizes faces for optimal exposure and focus.

In terms of usability, the EC-ES65 series features a user-friendly interface with an intuitive menu system. The bright 2.7-inch LCD screen provides clear visibility for framing shots and reviewing images, even in bright sunlight. The lightweight and compact design of the cameras makes them highly portable, allowing users to take them anywhere for spontaneous photography.

Battery life is also a strong point, with long-lasting power that supports extensive shooting sessions without the worry of draining quickly. USB connectivity allows for easy transfer of photos to computers or sharing them on social media platforms.

In conclusion, the Samsung EC-ES65 series of cameras combines impressive imaging capabilities with user-friendly features and creative options, making them ideal for a broad range of photography needs. With their combination of design, technology, and functionality, these cameras stand out as reliable companions for anyone looking to capture life's moments beautifully.