

在海滩或水池等有水的场所使用相机时,谨防水或沙粒进入相机内部。 否则,可能导致相机故障或永久损坏。



若出现此情况, 请关机并等待至少 1 小时,直至湿气消散。存储卡 也会受潮。此时请关闭相机,并取出存储卡。待湿气消散后,方可 将存储卡插入相机。


若镜头受到阳光直射,可能会造成图像传感器变色和功能减退。 请勿用手指或异物碰触镜头表面。

若数码相机长时间 不用,可能会放电。因此,若长时间不用相机, 最好取出电池和存储卡。

相机受到电子干扰时,会自 动关机以保护存储卡。


用软刷(相机商店内有售)轻擦镜头和 LCD 组件。若无法清洗,可用镜头纸 和镜头清洁液。请用软布清洁机身。请勿让相机接触到苯、杀虫剂、稀释剂 等可溶性物质。否则,可能会损坏相机外壳,并影响相机性能。操作不当会 损坏 LCD 显示器。请小心操作以避免损坏相机,不用相机时,请将其存放于 护袋内。


在某些情形下,静电会导致闪光灯闪光。这并非故障,不会损坏 相机。

上载或下载图像时,静电可能会影响数据传输。此时,请先断开并 重新连接 USB 数据线,然后尝试再次传输。


拍一张照片以测试相机性能,并准备好备用电池。 三星对于相机故障不承担任何责任。

在驾驶、骑车或操作任何机动车辆时,请勿使用头戴式耳机/耳塞。 这样可能会造成交通危险,在某些地区可能是违法行为。

避免头戴式耳机/耳塞的音量过高。听觉专家忠告不要持续以大音 量播放或长时间播放。若感觉耳朵内嗡嗡作响时,请降低音量或停 止使用。


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Samsung EC-NV4ZZBBA/E1, EC-NV4ZZPBA/FR  高温或低温均可导致相机故障。,  使用镜头时的注意事项,  相机受到电子干扰时,会自 动关机以保护存储卡。  相机维护,  请勿尝试拆卸或改装相机。


The Samsung EC-NV4ZZ series includes a lineup of compact digital cameras renowned for their stylish design and impressive functionality. This range includes models such as the EC-NV4ZZSBA/E3, EC-NV4ZZBBA/E2, EC-NV4ZZSBA/IT, EC-NV4ZZBBA/AS, and EC-NV4ZZBBA/AU, which cater to photography enthusiasts looking for quality and convenience in a pocket-sized device.

One of the standout features across the EC-NV4ZZ series is the 14-megapixel CCD sensor. This high-resolution sensor allows users to capture stunningly detailed images with vibrant colors and clarity, making it ideal for both casual snapshots and more considered photography. The 5x optical zoom lens is another key characteristic, providing versatility for capturing subjects at varying distances. The lens's focal length translates to approximately 26-130mm in 35mm terms, which is excellent for everything from wide-angle landscapes to close-up portraits.

In terms of technology, the EC-NV4ZZ cameras are equipped with a variety of shooting modes, including Smart Auto, which intelligently selects the ideal settings based on the scene being captured. This mode is particularly beneficial for novice photographers, allowing them to take great shots without needing to understand complex settings. Additionally, the series features a range of scene modes such as Night, Portrait, and Landscape, ensuring that users can optimize their photos regardless of the environment.

The EC-NV4ZZ series also offers digital image stabilization, a crucial feature for minimizing motion blur, particularly in low-light situations or when zooming in. Coupled with a face detection system, these cameras excel in capturing clear and focused images of subjects, even in dynamic settings.

Another notable characteristic is the inclusion of video recording capabilities in VGA quality, which allows users to capture their memories in motion. The cameras also sport a 2.7-inch LCD display, providing a clear viewfinder for composing shots and reviewing images.

The design of the EC-NV4ZZ models is sleek and modern, making them not only functional but also aesthetically pleasing. They are compact enough to fit into small bags or even pockets, making them perfect for traveling.

Overall, the Samsung EC-NV4ZZ series combines style, functionality, and advanced technology, making it an excellent choice for anyone looking to enhance their photography experience while maintaining portability and ease of use.