ȲǞƫƇž ǜɭȚ ljǥƇǧ ǜƄųȚNjſȚ ȤȶȢ

ɬɳǥſȶǍƄɳŽȚȶ ɬɳɭǍƄɳŽȚ ɞƾƀ ǝŽƾŮȥ ȲǞƫƇž ǜɭȚljǥƇǧǜƄųȚNjſȚȤȶȢ ɞƾƀǛƄƉǥŴƾŮɬɭƾǨȶȤȚɞƾƀȤǞƪɨǍɭƾŴȶ ƾǨȶȤȚǝɭȢƾƇůȚȤȢȲƾƵŸȚǚŮƾŻ ǝſƾǬȚNjű ɞȤȶȕ ǕƵű

ȲǞƫƇž ǜɭȚ ǝɨ ǁŴȚ ǜɭȚ ȵNjƶƀȢ ȴƾƪſ ȴȕ ǝŮ ȪǞŮǍž ɞƾƀǎǥǩ ƾɭ ȶ ȲǞƫƇž ɞȶȤ ȴƾƪſ ǜɭȚ ȢǞŵ ǝƄƈɭȤ ȤȶȢ ɬǦſƾų ɞƾƀǝŽƾŮȥ ƾŮ ȵȚǍƵƀ ȧNjǥƱž ǍƵŸ ȲǞŶǜƄźƾɭ ȴƾɭƾǨ ȥȚ ǏǨ Njɭƾƃſ ƾƀȴƾƉſȚǁžǾŴ ȶ ǁƉɭȥ ǓǥƇž ǝŮƾƀ ǝŽƾŮȥ ɬŽƾƵƄŲȚɞƾƀ ƿǥŴȕ ȥȚ ɞǍǥǬǞƴű ȤǞƮƶž ǝŮ ǕŮƾƶž ȥȚ ȵȤƾŮȶȢ ȵȢƾƱƄŴȚȾȴƾɳžȚȢƾƆɭȚ ȤǞƮƶžǝŮ ȶȵȢǍɨ ȚNjű ƾƀǝŽƾŮȥǍɭƾŴ ȥȚ ȚȤ ȲǞƫƇž ǜɭȚ ƾƱƭŽ ǁźƾɭȥƾŮ ɬǦſǞǦǩȢȤǞž ȤȢ ȝƾŸǾŶȚ ƿƉɨ ȤǞƮƶž ǝŮ ɬǦſƾų ȴȚǍŮƾɨ Njǥƶɨ ǁźƾɭȥƾŮ ȚǍſȕ ȢǞűǞž ȦƾƵůNjſȚȵȢǍɨ ɞȤȚNjɭǍų ƾƆſȕ ȥȚ ȚȤȲǞƫƇž ǜɭȚ ǝɨɬƴƇž ƾŮ NjƶſȚǞů ɬž ȲǞƫƇžǜɭȚƿŴƾƶž ƾŮ ƾƵƄŲ NjɭƾŮ ɞȤƾƆů ȴȚǍŮƾɨ NjſǍǥǦŮ ȦƾƵůȢǞų ǝƲƭƶžȾ ɬƄŽȶȢ ȵȤȚȢȚ ƾŮ ǝɳƶɭȚ ƾɭȶ Njƶƶɨ ǚǧƾŲ ȤȢ ȚȤ NjɭǍųȢȚȢȤȚǍŻȝȚȤǍƲž ȶ ǓɭȚǍŵ ȶ ǝƄźǍǬȦƾƵů ȢǞų ȴƾǬNjƶƶɨ ǜǥžƾůȴƾƵƀ ƾɭȶ ȴƾǬNjƶŵȶǍź Njƶƶɨ ɬŴȤǍŮ ǝƶǥžȥ ǜɭȚ ȢǞŵ ǝƄƈǥžȕ ɬƄƯƶǧ ɞƾƀ ǝŽƾŮȥ ǍǦɭȢ ƾŮNjɭƾƃſ ȲǞƫƇž ǜɭȚ ȆǜƄųȚNjſȚ ȤȶȢ ȳƾǦƶƀ

5COUWPI ɬƭǥƇž ǁƉɭȥ ǝſƾƪſ

5COUWPI ɞƾƀǁǥŽƾƯź ȵȤƾŮȤȢ ȴƾǬNjƶƶɨ ȯǍƫž ǝŮ ǍŰƻž ɬſƾŴȤ ȬǾŶȚ ɞȚǍŮ 5COUWPI ȢǞų ǝſƾƪſ ȥȚ ȆǁƉɭȥ ǓǥƇžȤȚNjƄŴȶȢ ȝǽǞƫƇž ǝƶǥžȥ ȤȢ ȤȢ5COUWPI ǍƵƄƉž ɞƾƀ ȧǾů ǍǦſƾǥŮǝſƾƪſ ǜɭȚ ȢǞŵ ɬž ȵȢƾƱƄŴȚ

NjƶƄƉƀǁƉɭȥ ǓǥƇž ȤȚNjƄŴȶȢ ǝɨ ǁŴȚ ɬůǽǞƫƇž NjǥŽǞů ǝƶǥžȥ


ȆNjŵƾŮ ȵNjƪſ ƿƫſ ǍůNjƁNjű ǝƈƉſ ƾƁ&KTGEV:% ǝż ǠƄŻȶ

ȢǞŵ ƿƫſǍůNjƁNjűǝƈƉſ ƾƁ&KTGEV:% o  NjƸƶż ȢȤȚȶ ǁŴȚ ȵNjŵǝǣȚȤȚ ǜƸŮȤȶȢȵȚǍƵƀ ǝż ȚȤ ȸȢ ǠŴ 


ȢǞŵǚƱŻ ȥȶNjƶɭȶ ȴNjžȕ ǽƾŮȳƾǦƶƀǁŴȚ ǚƫƄžȴȕ ǝŮǜǥŮȤȶȢ ǝɨǝſƾɭȚȤɧɭ ǍǬȚ

ȢǞŮ NjƀȚǞų ǽƾŮȥȶNjƶɭȶȶ ȵȢǍɨ ȚNjű ǝſƾɭȚȤ ȥȚ ȚȤǜǥŮȤȶȢȆǓɭȚǍŵ ǜɭȚȤȢo  ǜƄųȚNjſȚ Ȥƾɨ ȥȚ ɞȚǍŮ ȚȤ.GICE[75$5WRRQTV ȆȢǞŵ ȤȚǍɳů ƾŮȶƾƶƄž ǚɳƪž ǜɭȚ ǍǬȚ ɞǞƶž ȤȢ.GICE[75$5WRRQTV Njǥƶɨ ǛǥƮƶů ǝſƾɭȚȤȵȤƾŮȶȢȴȢǍɨ ǜŵȶȤ ȧǞžƾų ȶ

ǝſƾɭȚȤǗƴƄƈž ɞƾƀ ȵNjſȥƾŴȢȤǞž ȤȢ$+15 ȝƾƵǥƮƶů ɞǞƶž ȢȤȚȢȤȚǍŻ$+15 ȝƾƵǥƮƶů ǍǬȚ NjƶŵƾŮ ɬž.GICE[75$5WRRQTV NjŻƾź$+15 ɞƾƀǞƶž ɬųǍŮȶ ǁŴȚ ȝȶƾƱƄž NjǥƶɨǚǧƾŲȦƾƵů$+15 ƾɭ ȶ ǝſƾɭȚȤ ȵNjſȥƾŴ ƾŮ ȆNjǥƀȢ Ǎǥǥưů ȚȤ Ǟƶž NjǥſȚǞů ɬƵſ ȴƾůȢǞų

NjǥſȚǞů ɬƵſ ȚȤ ɬűȤƾų ǝƮźƾŲɧɭ ǍǬȚ ƾɭȶȆNjǥƶɨ ȯnjŲȚȤ Ǜƴǥź Ǵǥƴɨ NjǥſȚǞů ɬƵſ ǍǬȚ Njɭȕ ɬž ƾƭų ȳƾưǥǨ ǚɭƾźȲƾƲƄſȚ ǜǥŲǍǬȚ ƾɭ ȶ Njǥƶɨ ȟȚǍƈƄŴȚ

ǜɳƵž ȵNjŵ ȴȚǞƶŸ ɞƾƀƾƭų ȆNjǥŵƾŮ ȵȢǍɨ ƿƫſ ȚȤ5COUWPI/CUVGT ǓƲź ǍǬȚo 

NjƶɭƾǥŮ ǐǥǨ ǁŴȚ


NjɭNjƶƃŮȚȤǝžƾſǍŮ6CUMDCT ɞȶȤ5COUWPI/CUVGT ȴǞɳɭȕ ɞȶȤǍŮ ɧǥƴɨ ƾŮ


Njǥƶɨ ƿƫſ NjſȤȚȢ ȢǞűȶ ȤȚǎźȚ ȳǍſ ɞȢ ɬŴ ǚųȚȢ ȤȢ ǝɨ ɬɭƾƀ ǝžƾſǍŮ ɬžƾƵů

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Samsung EC-PL60ZSBP/ME NjƶɭƾǥŮ ǐǥǨ ǁŴȚ, 5COUWPI ɬƭǥƇž ǁƉɭȥ ǝſƾƪſ, NjƶƄƉƀǁƉɭȥ ǓǥƇž ȤȚNjƄŴȶȢ ǝɨ ǁŴȚ ɬůǽǞƫƇž NjǥŽǞů ǝƶǥžȥ


The Samsung EC-PL60 series, which includes models like EC-PL60ZSBP/SA, EC-PL60ZEDP/ME, EC-PL60ZEBP/SA, EC-PL60ZODP/ME, and EC-PL60ZPBP/ME, represents a line of compact digital cameras designed to cater to a wide array of photography needs. These cameras, known for their user-friendly interfaces and stylish designs, make photography accessible for everyone from beginners to more advanced users.

One of the standout features of the Samsung EC-PL60 cameras is their impressive 14.2-megapixel image sensor. This high-resolution sensor ensures that images captured are sharp, vibrant, and full of intricate detail. Combined with a powerful 5x optical zoom lens, users can easily frame their subjects whether they are up close or at a distance, making these cameras versatile for various shooting scenarios.

The EC-PL60 series also incorporates a Smart Auto mode, which automatically analyzes the surrounding scene and adjusts settings such as exposure, focus, and color balance to produce the best possible image. This feature is particularly beneficial for novice photographers who may not be well-versed in manual settings, allowing them to capture great shots effortlessly.

In addition to still photography, the Samsung EC-PL60 models offer high-definition video recording capabilities, ensuring that users can also document special moments in motion. The inclusion of a 2.7-inch LCD screen provides a clear display for composing shots and reviewing images, with the added convenience of being able to flip it from side to side for creative angles.

Another key characteristic is the camera's ability to connect via USB and HDMI, making it easy to transfer images to a computer or display them on a larger screen. The user-friendly interface and straightforward controls further enhance the photography experience, allowing users to quickly navigate through menus and settings.

With a built-in flash and a range of scene modes, including Portrait and Landscape, the EC-PL60 series is designed to perform well under various lighting conditions. Additionally, Samsung has implemented features aimed at reducing noise and enhancing low-light performance, ensuring that users can capture beautiful images even in challenging environments.

Overall, the Samsung EC-PL60 series combines portability, advanced features, and ease of use, making it an excellent choice for anyone looking to explore the world of photography without the complexity of bulky equipment. Its blend of style and functionality has made it a popular option for casual photographers and those seeking an everyday camera.