



ǝƃƯű ȝƾɭǞƄƇž


ȢǞŵ ɬž ǝƄųȶǍź ȚǎƆž











ȵȤƾż ǝƵżȢ


ȤƾɨȢǞų ǍƵɭƾů Ǵžǽ


ǜǥŮȤȶȢ ǁǥƯǤȶ ǍǦſƾƪſ Ǵžǽ




ǝƁnjưůǕƃƶž ǝŮȲƾƫůȚ



ǝƮźƾŲ ȝȤƾɨ ȴȢǍɨ ȢȤȚȶ






Njǥƶɨɬž ȵȢƾƱƄŴȚǜǥŮȤȶȢȥȚ ȤƾŮǜǥŽȶȚ ɞȚǍŮɬƄŻȶ



.%&ǍǦƪɭƾƵſ ǍǦſƾƪſ



Ǟƶž ȥȚ ȵȢƾƱƄŴȚ ȵǞƇſ



ǓƃǤ ǁŽƾŲ ȥƾŹȕ



ȝǽƾŲ țƾƈƄſȚ


ɧƸůƾžǞůȚ ǁŽƾŲ ȥȚ ȵȢƾƱƄŴȚ ɬǦſǞǦǩ


ǝžƾſǍŮǁŽƾŲ ȥȚȵȢƾƱƄŴȚɬǦſǞǦǩ


&7#.+5 ǁŽƾŲ ȥȚ ȵȢƾƱƄŴȚ ɬǦſǞǦǩ


ɬŴƾɳŸ ȸƾƵƶƀȚȤ ǁŽƾŲ ȥȚ ȵȢƾƱƄŴȚ


ƾƃɭȥ ǍɭǞƫů ǁŽƾŲ ȥȚ ȵȢƾƱƄŴȚ ɬǦſǞǦǩ


ǝƶƇǧ ǁŽƾŲ ȥȚ ȵȢƾƱƄŴȚ ɬǦſǞǦǩ





ȥȶǍŮ ǂŸƾŮǁŴȚ ǜɳƵž ǁɭƾŸȤȳNjŸ ȝȤǞǧ ȤȢ ǝɨ ǁŴȚ ǍƭųǍǨɬƄǥƯŻǞž ǍǦſƾǥŮȤƾƭųȚ ǝƵƴɨ ȢǞŵ ǓŴǞƄžƾɭɬƇƭŴ ƿǥŴȕ

ǐůȕ ȥȶǍŮ ǂŸƾŮ ǁŴȚ ǜɳƵž ȵNjɭȢ ƿǥŴȕ ƾɭ ȵNjŵ ȳǍǬ NjŲ ȥȚ ǐǥŮ ȆɬƄƪſ ɞȚȤȚȢ ɞǍůƾŮ™



ȢǞŵ ƿǥŴȕ ƾɭ ɞȥǞŴ


Njǥƶɨ ȵȢƾƱƄŴȚ ǜǥŮȤȶȢ ƿŴƾƶž ɞǍůƾŮ ȥȚ

Njǥƶɨ ɞȤȚȢȢǞų ǐůȕ ȤȢ ɞǍůƾŮ ǜƄųȚNjſȚȶ ȴȢȚȢȝȤȚǍŲ ȆȵƾůǞɨ ȲƾƫůȚ ȴȢǍɨ ȤȚǍŻǍŮ ȥȚ

NjǥƶɳſǜǥŮȤȶȢ ȢȤȚȶ ǗŽƾƈž ǁƷű ȤȢ ȚȤɞǍůƾŮ

ǜɭȚ ǍǥŹ ȤȢ Njǥƶɨ ȟȤƾų ȚȤ ɞǍůƾŮ ȆNjɭȤȚNjſ ȚȤ ǜǥŮȤȶȢȥȚ ȵȢƾƱƄŴȚ NjƫŻ ɬſǽǞŶ ȝNjž ɞȚǍŮ ȵƾǬǍƀ™


NjſƾŴǍŮ ƿǥŴȕ ǜǥŮȤȶȢȝƾƯƭŻ ǝŮ ȶ ȵNjŵ ȟȤƾų ɞǍůƾŮ ǁǥŽȶǍƄɳŽȚǕɭƾž ǁŴȚ ǜɳƵž ȝȤǞǧ


ȥȚ ǏǨ Njǥƶɳſ ȵȢƾƱƄŴȚ ȆǁŴȚ ǍǦɭȢ șƾǥŵȚ ƾɭǁŴȢ ƾŮ ȦƾƵů ȤȢ ǝɳǥŽƾŲ ȤȢ ȧǾź ȥȚ™


ȢǞŵ ɬǦƄųǞŴ ǂŸƾŮ ǁŴȚ ǜɳƵž Njǥſǎſ ǁŴȢ ȴȕ ǝŮ ȆȧǾź ȥȚ ȳȶȚNjž ȵȢƾƱƄŴȚ


Njǥƶɳſ ƾƆŮƾű ȚǍſȕ ȆǁŴȚ ǜŵȶȤ ǜǥŮȤȶȢ ȶ Njǥƶɨ ɬž ȵȢƾƱƄŴȚ#% ȤɉȤƾŵ ȥȚ ǝɳǥžƾǦƶƀ™


ǏǮŴ Njǥƶɨ ȧǞžƾų ȚȤ ǜǥŮȤȶȢȆǎɭǍǨ ȥȚ ȰǍŮ ǛǥŴ ȴȢȤȶȕ ȤȢ ȥȚ ǐǥǨǝƪǥƵƀ ȆȵȢƾƱƄŴȚ ȥȚ ǏǨ


ȪǞŮǍžȲƾƫůȚɞƾƀ ǚŮƾɨ ȶ ƾƀ ǛǥŴ ɬžƾƵůǝɨNjɭǞŵ ǜƂƵƭž ȆǜǥŮȤȶȢ ȴȢǍɨƾƆŮƾűȥȚ ǐǥǨ


ȥȶǍŮ ǂŸƾŮ ǁŴȚ ǜɳƵž Ȥƾɨ ǜɭȚ ȳƾƆſȚ ȳNjŸ NjſȚ ȵNjŵ ȚNjű ǜǥŮȤȶȢ ȥȚ ȆǍǦɭȢ ɞƾƀ ȵƾǦƄŴȢ ǝŮ


ȢǞŵ ɬɳɭǍƄɳŽȚ ɧŵ ƾɭ ɞȥǞŴ ǐůȕ ȥȶǍŮ ȶ ƾƀ ǚŮƾɨ ȶ ƾƀ ǛǥŴ ǝŮ ƿǥŴȕ


ƾŮ ȦƾƵů ȥȚ ȆǜǥŮȤȶȢ ȤȢ ɬŽƾƵƄŲȚ ɬƶź ǑƲſ ȥȶǍŮ ȶ Ȥƾů

ɞƾƀ ǏɳŸ ǜƄźǍǬ ȥȚ ɞǍǥǬǞƴű ɞȚǍŮ™


Njǥƶɨ ɞȤȚȢȢǞų ȴȕ ǐŵǞǨ ƾɭ ǜǥŮȤȶȢ ǎƶŽ


Njǥƶɨ ǎǥƀǍǨ ȧǾź ƾɭ ǎƶŽȴȢǍɨ ȢȶNjƉžȥȚ ɞȤȚȢǍƃƉɳŸ ȳƾǦƶƀ ȤȢ™


NjɭǞŵ ǝűȚǞž Ǎɭȥ ȢȤȚǞž ƾŮǁŴȚ ǜɳƵž ǜǥɭƾǨ ɞƾƀƾžȢ ȤȢ ǜǥŮȤȶȢǜɭȚ ȥȚ ȵȢƾƱƄŴȚ ȳƾǦƶƀ ǝŮ™


ȤȢǜǥŮȤȶȢ ȥȚ ȵȢƾƱƄŴȚ ȥȚǏǨ ƿƴŹȚ ȶNjƶɭȕɬƵſȢǞűȶǝŮ ǜǥŮȤȶȢɬƶź ǑƲſ ǁƴŸ ǝŮ ȢȤȚǞžǜɭȚ



NjſǞŵɬž ȯǍŶǍŮ ɬŽǞƵƯžɞƾžȢ


ƩſȤ ȥȚ ȝȶƾƱƄžɬɨNjſȚ ƾƀ ƩſȤ ȶ NjƪɳŮȚȥȚȤȢ ǝŮ ɬɨNjſȚ.%& ȤǞƄǥſƾž ȴȢǞƵſ ǜŵȶȤ


Njƶƶɨ ȵǞƴű ȵɉǞŴ ɬƯǥƃŶ


ɬɨNjſȚ ȴƾžȥ ȝNjž ɞȚǍŮ ɬƴƃŻ ǍɭǞƫů ȥȚ ɞȚ ǝƀȚȶ ǁŴȚ ǜɳƵž ȆǁǥƯǤȶ Ǎǥǥưů ȳƾǦƶƀ ǝŮ


ȢNjƶƃŮ ǐƲſ ǝƇƱǧ ǍŮ


ɞȚȤȚȢ ɞƾƀ ȝȤƾɨ ȴȢȚȢ ȤȚǍŻ ȥȚ Njǥƶɨ ɞȤȚȢȢǞųǜǥŮȤȶȢ Ȥƾƶɨ ȤȢ ɞȤƾƃƄŸȚ ɞƾƀ ȝȤƾɨȴȢȚȢ ȤȚǍŻ ȥȚ™


NjǥɭƾƵſ ɞȤȚȢȢǞų ǜǥŮȤȶȢȤƾƶɨ ȤȢ ɬƉǥŶƾƶưž ȤȚǞſ


ȲƾƵƄŲȚ ǝŮ ǝſƾɭȚȤ ȆȢǞŵ ǚƫƄž ǝſƾɭȚȤ75$ ȝȤǞǨ ǝŮ ɬƶǥǨ ȵNjƶƶɨ ǚƫƄž ǝɨ ɬůȤǞǧȤȢ™


ǝſƾɭȚȤ75$ ȝȤǞǨ ǝŮ ȚȤ ɬƶǥǨ ȵNjƶƶɨǚƫƄžȵƾǦǰǥƀ ȢǞŵ ɬž ɬƶź ǑƲſ ȤƾǩȢ Ȣƾɭȥ



Njǥƶɳſ ǚƫƄž


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The Samsung EC-PL60 series, which includes models like EC-PL60ZSBP/SA, EC-PL60ZEDP/ME, EC-PL60ZEBP/SA, EC-PL60ZODP/ME, and EC-PL60ZPBP/ME, represents a line of compact digital cameras designed to cater to a wide array of photography needs. These cameras, known for their user-friendly interfaces and stylish designs, make photography accessible for everyone from beginners to more advanced users.

One of the standout features of the Samsung EC-PL60 cameras is their impressive 14.2-megapixel image sensor. This high-resolution sensor ensures that images captured are sharp, vibrant, and full of intricate detail. Combined with a powerful 5x optical zoom lens, users can easily frame their subjects whether they are up close or at a distance, making these cameras versatile for various shooting scenarios.

The EC-PL60 series also incorporates a Smart Auto mode, which automatically analyzes the surrounding scene and adjusts settings such as exposure, focus, and color balance to produce the best possible image. This feature is particularly beneficial for novice photographers who may not be well-versed in manual settings, allowing them to capture great shots effortlessly.

In addition to still photography, the Samsung EC-PL60 models offer high-definition video recording capabilities, ensuring that users can also document special moments in motion. The inclusion of a 2.7-inch LCD screen provides a clear display for composing shots and reviewing images, with the added convenience of being able to flip it from side to side for creative angles.

Another key characteristic is the camera's ability to connect via USB and HDMI, making it easy to transfer images to a computer or display them on a larger screen. The user-friendly interface and straightforward controls further enhance the photography experience, allowing users to quickly navigate through menus and settings.

With a built-in flash and a range of scene modes, including Portrait and Landscape, the EC-PL60 series is designed to perform well under various lighting conditions. Additionally, Samsung has implemented features aimed at reducing noise and enhancing low-light performance, ensuring that users can capture beautiful images even in challenging environments.

Overall, the Samsung EC-PL60 series combines portability, advanced features, and ease of use, making it an excellent choice for anyone looking to explore the world of photography without the complexity of bulky equipment. Its blend of style and functionality has made it a popular option for casual photographers and those seeking an everyday camera.