Zdravstvene i sigurnosne informacije

Mjere sigurnosti

Pažljiva pohrana i rukovanje fotoaparatom

Ne dozvolite da se fotoaparat smoči, tekućine mogu uzrokovati ozbiljnu štetu. Fotoaparatom nemojte rukovati mokrim rukama. Oštećenja fotoaparata uzrokovana vodom poništavaju jamstvo proizvođača.

Fotoaparat ne izlažite izravnoj sunčevoj svjetlosti niti visokoj temperaturi u dužem vremenskom razdoblju. Duža izloženost sunčevoj svjetlosti ili ekstremnim temperaturama može uzrokovati trajna oštećenja na unutrašnjim komponentama fotoaparata.

Izbjegavajte korištenje ili spremanje fotoaparata na prašnjava, prljava, vlažna ili slabo zračena mjesta kako bi spriječili oštećenja pokretnih dijelova i unutrašnjih komponenti.

Uklonite baterije iz fotoaparata ako ga duže nećete koristiti. Umetnute baterije tijekom vremena mogu procuriti ili korodirati i uzrokovati ozbiljna oštećenja fotoaparata.

Zaštitite fotoaparat od pijeska i prljavštine ako ga koristite na plaži ili na sličnom području.

Zaštitite fotoaparat od udaraca, grubog rukovanja i pretjeranih vibracija kako biste izbjegli ozbiljna oštećenja.

Budite pažljivi prilikom priključivanja kabela ili prilagodnika te ugradnje baterija i memorijskih kartica. Grubo spajanje priključaka, nepravilno povezivanje kabela ili nepravilna ugradnja baterija i memorijskih kartica može oštetiti priključke, kontakte ili pribor.

Nemojte umetati strane predmete u bilo koje utore ili odjeljke fotoaparata. Oštećenja uzrokovana nepravilnom upotrebom možda neće biti pokrivena jamstvom.

Ne preporuča se mahanje fotoaparatom objeıenim o remen. Takvim postupkom možete ozlijediti sebe i druge.

Nemojte bojiti fotoaparat jer boja može začepiti pomične dijelove i onemogućiti pravilan rad.

Boja ili metal na kućištu fotoaparata mogu uzrokovati alergije, svrbež, ekcem ili otekline kod osoba s osjetljivom kožom. Ako se pojavi neki od tih simptoma, prestanite koristiti fotoaparat i obratite se liječniku.


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Samsung EC-ST600ZBPBE3 Zdravstvene i sigurnosne informacije, Pažljiva pohrana i rukovanje fotoaparatom, Mjere sigurnosti

EC-ST600ZBPBE3, EC-ST600ZBPGE3 specifications

The Samsung EC-ST600 series digital cameras, including models EC-ST600ZBPGE3, EC-ST600ZBDBVN, EC-ST600ZBPPRU, EC-ST600ZBPLRU, and EC-ST600ZBPGE1, are compact cameras designed to offer versatile performance for photography enthusiasts and casual users alike. These models encapsulate Samsung’s dedication to innovation while ensuring user-friendliness in design.

One of the standout features of the EC-ST600 series is its impressive 14.2 megapixel sensor. This high-resolution sensor enables users to capture stunningly detailed images, making it ideal for everything from everyday snapshots to more elaborate compositions. The integration of a 5x optical zoom lens further enhances its versatility, allowing users to photograph subjects from a distance without compromising on quality.

These cameras are equipped with a unique Dual View feature, which consists of a front-facing LCD display alongside the traditional rear screen. This provides an innovative solution for self-portraits and group selfies, making it easier for users to frame their shots accurately. The LCD displays are designed for high visibility, ensuring that images are clearly visible even in varying lighting conditions.

Another significant aspect of the EC-ST600 series is its Smart Auto mode, which automatically analyzes scenes and adjusts settings accordingly. This technology allows users to enjoy optimal settings for various shooting conditions without requiring extensive manual adjustments. Whether in bright daylight or dimly lit environments, Smart Auto helps deliver better results.

In addition to still photography, video recording capabilities are also a crucial feature of the EC-ST600 lineup. Users can record HD videos, capturing moments in motion with clarity and detail. The camera's built-in editing tools further enhance the user experience, offering a range of features to tailor videos and images on the spot.

Additional features such as face detection, smile shot, and blink detection further elevate the user experience, ensuring that every moment is captured perfectly. The compact and stylish design of these models makes them highly portable, enabling users to carry them effortlessly, making them an excellent choice for travel or social events.

Overall, the Samsung EC-ST600 series represents a harmonious blend of advanced technology, user-friendly features, and high-quality image capture, catering to a variety of photography needs. Whether you are a seasoned photographer or a novice looking to document your life, these cameras provide an enjoyable and efficient shooting experience.