Iestatījumu izvēlne


* Noklusējums




Pielāgojiet ekrāna spilgtumu.


(Automātisks*, Tumšs, Normāls, Spilgts)



* Noklusējums


Displ. spil.

Atskaņošanas režīmā tiek fiksēts Normāls, pat ja ir



atlasīts Automātisks.



Ātrais skats

Iestatiet, vai rediģēt uzņemto attēlu, pirms

atgriezties fotografēšanas režīmā. (Izslēgts, Iesl.*)



Ja 30 sekunžu laikā netiek veikta neviena


darbība, kamera automātiski pārslēdzas enerģijas


taupīšanas režīmā. (Izslēgts*, Ieslēgts)

Lai atsāktu kameras izmantošanu, enerģijas


taupīšanas režīmā nospiediet jebkuru pogu,


izņemot [POWER].

Arī tad, ja enerģijas taupīšanas režīms nebūs iestatīts, 30 sekundes pēc pēdējās darbības veikšanas ekrāns satumsīs, lai taupītu elektroenerģiju.


Formatējiet iekšējo atmiņu un atmiņas karti.


Formatēšanas laikā tiks izdzēsti visi faili, ieskaitot


aizsargātos failus. (, )


Var rasties kļūdas, ja tiks izmantota ar cita ražojuma


kameru, atmiņas karšu lasītāju vai datoru formatēta


atmiņas karte. Pirms atmiņas karšu izmantošanas


fotoattēlu saglabāšanai formatējiet tās ar kameru.




Atiestatiet izvēlnes un fotografēšanas iespējas.


Datums un laiki, valoda, kā arī video izvades


iestatījumi netiks atiestatīti. (, )


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Laika josla

Dodoties ceļojumā uz citu valsti, atlasiet atbilstošu


laika joslu.


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Datuma veids


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izvēlētās valodas.



Iestatījumi 100

Page 101
Image 101
Samsung EC-ST66ZZBPBE2, EC-ST66ZZBPPE2, EC-ST66ZZBPRE2, EC-ST66ZZFPBE2 Iestatījumi, Automātisks*, Tumšs, Normāls, Spilgts


The Samsung EC-ST66 series of cameras, which includes models EC-ST66ZZBPBE2, EC-ST66ZZBPPE2, EC-ST66ZZFPRE2, EC-ST66ZZBPUE2, and EC-ST66ZZBPSE2, is designed for those seeking a portable yet powerful camera for capturing high-quality images. These compact cameras embody advanced technology and user-friendly features, making them suitable for both novices and seasoned photographers.

One of the standout features of the Samsung EC-ST66 series is its impressive 16-megapixel sensor, which ensures detailed and vibrant images. This high-resolution capability allows users to create prints and enlargements without loss of clarity, making it ideal for various photography needs. Additionally, the camera's 5x optical zoom lens provides versatility, enabling users to capture subjects from a distance or zoom in for a closer look without sacrificing image quality.

The EC-ST66 cameras are equipped with a Smart Auto function that automatically analyzes scenes and adjusts settings accordingly. This technology simplifies the photography process by optimizing exposure, focus, and colors based on the environment. Whether shooting landscapes, portraits, or low-light scenes, users are ensured excellent results without needing to manually configure settings.

Another notable characteristic of these cameras is the built-in image stabilization feature. This technology minimizes the effects of camera shake, allowing for sharper images, especially in challenging conditions such as low light or while capturing moving subjects. The result is consistently clear and focused photographs, raising the quality of everyday snapshots.

For those interested in video, the EC-ST66 series supports HD video recording, enabling users to capture memorable moments in high definition. The cameras also feature various scene modes and filters, providing creative options to enhance photos with unique effects and styles.

With a sleek and compact design, the Samsung EC-ST66 cameras are easily portable, making them perfect for travel and everyday use. Their intuitive user interface ensures that users can navigate settings efficiently, adding to the overall experience.

In conclusion, the Samsung EC-ST66 series, including the models EC-ST66ZZBPBE2, EC-ST66ZZBPPE2, EC-ST66ZZFPRE2, EC-ST66ZZBPUE2, and EC-ST66ZZBPSE2, offers an excellent combination of advanced features, robust technology, and user-friendly design, making them an ideal choice for those looking to capture life's moments with ease and quality.