Slanje fotografija ili videozapisa putem emaila

Slanje fotografija ili videozapisa putem emaila

Možete slati slike ili videozapise pohranjene na fotoaparatu putem emaila. Za informacije o unosu teksta, pogledajte„Unos teksta”. (str. 113)

1Okrenite kotačić odabira na .

2Odaberite .

Fotoaparat automatski pokušava spajanje WLAN mreže putem najnovijeg spojenog uređaja s pristupnom točkom.

Ako se fotoaparat nije već povezao s WLAN-om, on automatski traži dostupne AP uređaje. (str. 110)

3Odaberite polje Pošiljatelj, upišite svoju adresu e-pošte, a zatim odaberite OK.

Ako ste već spremili vaše podatke, ona će biti umetnuta automatski. (str. 120)

Za korištenje adrese sa popisa prethodnih pošiljatelja, odaberite → adresa.

4Odaberite polje Primal., upišite adresu e-pošte, a zatim odaberite OK.

Za korištenje adrese sa popisa prethodnih primatelja, odaberite → adresa.

Odaberite za dodavanje dodatnih primatelja. Možete unijeti do 30 primatelja.

Odaberite za brisanje adrese s popisa.

5Odaberite Sljedeći.

6Odabir datoteka za učitavanje.

Možete odabrati do 20 datoteka. Ukupna veličina mora biti 7 MB ili manja.

7Odaberite Sljedeći.

8Odaberite polje komentar, upišite svoj komentar, a zatim odaberite OK.

9Odaberite Šalji.

Kamera će poslati e-poštu.

Čak i ako izgleda da je fotografija uspješno preneta, greške sa email računom primatelja mogu uzročiti odbacivanje fotografije ili prepoznavanje kao spama.

Možda nećete moći poslati email ako mrežna veza nije dostupna ili ako postavke vašeg email računa nisu točne.

Ne možete slati datoteke ako je premašeno ograničenje veličine datoteke. Najveća razlučivost fotografije koju možete poslati je 2M a najdulji videozapis

koji možete učitati iznosi 30 sekundi pri razlučivosti ili videozapis snimljen pomoću . Ako je odabrana razlučivost fotografije veća od 2M, automatski će se smanjiti na manju razlučivost.

Ako ne možete poslati email zbog vatrozida ili postavki autentifikacije korisnika, kontaktirajte svog administratora mreže ili davatelja mrežnih usluga.

Ne možete koristiti ovu značajku ako u memoriji fotoaparata nema fotografija.

Također možete poslati email u načinu reprodukcije pritiskom opcije [


te odabirom opcije Dijeli (Wi-Fi)E-pošta.


Bežična mreža 122

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Image 123
Samsung EC-WB200FBPBE3 Slanje fotografija ili videozapisa putem emaila, Odaberite Sljedeći Odabir datoteka za učitavanje

EC-WB200FBPWE3, EC-WB200FBPBE3 specifications

The Samsung EC-WB200 series of cameras, encompassing models EC-WB200FBPBE2, EC-WB200FBPBE3, EC-WB200FBPWE2, EC-WB200FBPRE3, and EC-WB200FBPWE3, stands out in the compact digital camera market with its blend of performance, versatility, and user-friendly features.

At the core of these models is a robust 16.2-megapixel sensor. This high resolution ensures that images are captured with remarkable clarity and detail, making it an excellent choice for photography enthusiasts. The cameras also feature a 24mm wide-angle lens that offers a 21x optical zoom. This combination allows users to take breathtaking landscape shots as well as close-ups of distant subjects without sacrificing image quality.

One of the most notable technologies incorporated into the Samsung EC-WB200 series is the Smart Filter feature. This innovative option gives users access to various artistic filters, allowing for the creative enhancement of photos right from the camera. Additionally, the camera’s Picture in Picture mode enables simultaneous capture from both the front and rear cameras, providing a unique way to document moments with the photographer included.

Another significant characteristic of these models is their Full HD video recording capability. Users can shoot videos at an impressive resolution, ensuring that cherished moments are captured in stunning detail. The built-in optical image stabilization technology further enhances video and image quality by reducing the effects of camera shake, which is especially beneficial during handheld shooting.

The EC-WB200 series also boasts built-in Wi-Fi connectivity, allowing for seamless sharing of photos and videos on social media platforms or transferring them to smartphones and tablets. Samsung's Smart Camera app offers additional functionality, enabling remote control of the camera and direct uploads to cloud services.

For those concerned with usability, these models feature a 3-inch touchscreen LCD that simplifies menu navigation and enhances user interaction. The camera design is compact and lightweight, making it ideal for travel and daily use. With durability in mind, the Samsung EC-WB200 series cameras are designed to withstand everyday wear and tear.

In summary, the Samsung EC-WB200FBPBE2, EC-WB200FBPBE3, EC-WB200FBPWE2, EC-WB200FBPRE3, and EC-WB200FBPWE3 models exemplify the perfect combination of advanced photographic technology, user-friendly features, and compact design, making them a solid choice for both amateur and experienced photographers.