Samsung EC-WP10ZZBPUE3 manual Nastavení data, þasu a formátu data, Název souboru, Ýasové pásmo


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Nastavení ( )

Nastavení data, þasu a formátu data

Datum a þas, které se budou zobrazovat na uložených snímcích, mĤžete zmČnit, a to vþetnČ formátu data. Nastavení hodnoty [ýasové pásmo] vám umožĖuje pĜi cestování do zahraniþí nastavit místní datum a þas na monitoru LCD.

Název souboru

Tato funkce umožĖuje uživateli nastavit formát pojmenovávání souborĤ.

[Reset] : PĜi použití funkce nulování





bude þíslování názvĤ souborĤ





po operacích formátování,



-Typ data: [Rrrr/mm/dd], [Mm/dd/rrrr], [Dd/mm/rrrr], [Vypnuto]*







yyyy mm dd


ýasové pásmo

2010 / 01 / 01 13:00


ýíslo souboru


Tisk data


Automatické vypnutí

:3 minuty





vymazání všech snímkĤ nebo

ýasové pásmo


ýíslo souboru




použití nové pamČĢové karty

Tisk data




Automatické vypnutí

:3 minuty

zaþínat vždy znovu od 0001.





[Série]* : ýíslování nových souborĤ pokraþuje stále dál i po

použití nové pamČĢové karty, formátování nebo


vymazání všech snímkĤ.



ýasové pásmo

Dostupná mČsta:


ýasové pásmo

Londýn, Cape Verde, StĜední Atlantik,






Buenos Aires, Sao Paulo,





Newfoundland, Caracas, La Paz, New





York, Miami, Chicago, Dallas, Denver,





Phoenix, LA, San Francisco, Aljaška, Ho-


[GMT +00:00]

2009/08/01 01:00 PM





nolulu, Havaj, Samoa, Midway, Wellington,



Letní þas





Auckland, Ochotsk, Quam, Sydney, Darwin, Adelaide, Soul, Tokio, Peking, Hongkong, Bangkok, Jakarta, Yangon, Almaty, Kátmándú, Mumbay, Nové Dillí, Taškent, Kábul, Abu Džabi, Teherán, Moskva, Athény, Helsinky, ěím, PaĜíž, Berlín

ÄDST: Letní þas

-Název prvního uloženého adresáĜe je 100PHOTO a první název souboru je SAM_0001.

-Názvy souborĤ jsou pĜiĜazovány postupnČ od SAM_0001

SAM_0002 ~ SAM_9999

- ýíslo adresáĜe je pĜiĜazováno postupnČ od 100 do 999 následovnČ: 100PHOTO 101PHOTO ~ 999PHOTO.

-Maximální poþet souborĤ ve složce je 9999.

-Soubory ukládané na pamČĢovou kartu odpovídají standardu DCF (Design rule for Camera File systems). ZmČníte-li formát názvu snímkĤ, snímky pravdČpodobnČ nebude možné pĜehrát.


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Samsung EC-WP10ZZBPUE3, EC-WP10ZZBPYE3, EC-WP10ZZBPRE3 Nastavení data, þasu a formátu data, Název souboru, Ýasové pásmo


The Samsung EC-WP10ZZBPBE3, EC-WP10ZZBPRE3, EC-WP10ZZBPUE3, and EC-WP10ZZBPYE3 are part of Samsung's innovative line of compact digital cameras designed for versatility and user-friendly operation. These models are particularly appealing to both photography enthusiasts and casual users who appreciate convenience and quality in their photographic experience.

One of the standout features of these cameras is their waterproof design, making them ideal for adventure seekers and outdoor activities. With a waterproof rating that allows for operation in wet environments, users can confidently take their cameras to the beach, on hikes, or while engaging in water sports without fear of damage.

In addition to their rugged construction, the cameras feature high-resolution sensors that produce crisp and vibrant images. This allows for outstanding image quality in various lighting conditions, ensuring that users can capture the beauty of their surroundings no matter the time of day. Coupled with the advanced lens technology, these models deliver impressive close-up shots and expansive landscapes with ease.

The cameras also integrate sophisticated image stabilization technologies, which minimize the effects of camera shake. This feature is particularly useful when shooting in challenging conditions or at slower shutter speeds, allowing for cleaner and more detailed images.

Another notable characteristic is their intuitive user interface, which enhances the overall shooting experience. Users can easily navigate through various settings and modes designed for different shooting scenarios, facilitating a smooth transition from automatic mode to manual adjustments for expert photographers.

Connectivity options are plentiful, with built-in Wi-Fi and Bluetooth capabilities that enable quick sharing of photos and videos with friends and on social media platforms. This connectivity also allows users to control the camera remotely through a smartphone app, expanding the possibilities for creative photography.

Additionally, the cameras come equipped with various shooting modes and filters that encourage creative expression. Whether it’s capturing stunning sunsets, candid moments, or scenic landscapes, these models cater to the creative needs of any photographer.

In summary, the Samsung EC-WP10ZZBPBE3, EC-WP10ZZBPRE3, EC-WP10ZZBPUE3, and EC-WP10ZZBPYE3 are robust and versatile digital cameras that combine durability with advanced imaging technologies. Their waterproof capabilities, high-resolution sensors, intuitive interface, and connectivity features make them ideal companions for all photography enthusiasts.