Samsung EV-NX2000BABDK, EV-NX2000BJPDK, EV-NX2000BABSE, EV-NX2000BFWDK, EV-NX2000BFWSE ISO-følsomhed


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Begreber inden for fotografering


Eksponeringen af et billede bestemmes af kameraets følsomhed. Denne følsomhed er baseret på internationale filmstandarder og betegnes som ISO-standarder. I digitale kameraer anvendes denne følsomhedsspecifikation til at repræsentere følsomheden af den digitale mekanisme, der tager billedet.

ISO-følsomheden fordobles, når værdien fordobles. F.eks. vil en indstilling på ISO 200 være i stand til at tage billeder med den dobbelte hastighed af en indstilling på ISO 100. En højere ISO-værdi kan dog resultere i "støj" — små prikker, pletter og andre fænomener på et billede, der giver billedet et beskidt eller forstyrret udseende. Som generel regel er det bedst at bruge en lav ISO-værdi for at undgå støj på billederne, medmindre du tager billeder i mørke omgivelser eller om natten.

Ændringer i kvalitet og lysstyrke i henhold til ISO-følsomheden

Da en lav ISO-følsomhed betyder, at kameraet bliver mindre lysfølsomt, skal du bruge mere lys for at skabe en optimal eksponering. Hvis du bruger en lav ISO-følsomhed, skal du åbne blænderen mere eller reducere lukkerhastigheden, så der kan komme mere lys ind i kameraet. På en solskinsdag med masser af lys kræver en lav ISO-følsomhed eksempelvis ikke en langsom lukkerhastighed. På et mørkt sted eller om natten vil en lav ISO-værdi dog resultere i et sløret billede. Det anbefales derfor at øge ISO-følsomheden en smule.

Et billede, der er taget med et kamerastativ Et sløret billede med en lav ISO-følsomhed og høj ISO-følsomhed


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Samsung EV-NX2000BABDK, EV-NX2000BJPDK, EV-NX2000BABSE, EV-NX2000BFWDK, EV-NX2000BFWSE, EV-NX2000BJPSE manual ISO-følsomhed

EV-NX2000BFWSE, EV-NX2000BJPSE, EV-NX2000BABDK, EV-NX2000BFWDK, EV-NX2000BABSE specifications

The Samsung EV-NX2000 series, including models EV-NX2000BJPDK, EV-NX2000BABSE, EV-NX2000BFWDK, EV-NX2000BABDK, and EV-NX2000BJPSE, is a noteworthy line of mirrorless digital cameras designed for photography enthusiasts looking for advanced features in a compact form factor. These models share remarkable similarities in specifications while catering to various user preferences through attractive color variations.

At the heart of the NX2000 series is a robust 20.3 MP APS-C CMOS sensor, which allows for high-resolution images with outstanding clarity and detail. The sensor's larger size relative to other compact cameras provides improved performance in low-light situations, enabling users to capture stunning images even in challenging lighting conditions. Complementing the sensor is the DRIMe IV image processor, enhancing the camera's overall performance and ensuring faster processing of images, reduced noise, and vibrant color reproduction.

The NX2000 series boasts an impressive ISO range of up to 25,600, providing versatility for shooting in diverse environments. Users can capture sharp images without significant grain, whether shooting in bright daylight or dimly lit scenes. Furthermore, the autofocus system features 99 phase-detection points, ensuring quick and accurate focusing on subjects, which is particularly useful for candid photography.

A standout feature of the NX2000 series is its 3.7-inch touchscreen LCD display, which is tilted for easy viewing from various angles. This interface not only simplifies navigation through the camera's settings but also enhances shooting experiences, particularly when capturing creative compositions from unique perspectives. The camera also supports Full HD 1080p video recording, allowing users to create high-quality videos with depth and detail.

Another significant highlight is the built-in Wi-Fi connectivity, empowering photographers to share images instantly on social media and connect with smart devices for remote control functionality. The NX2000 also supports a range of interchangeable lenses, providing users with the flexibility to explore different photographic styles and capture diverse scenes with ease.

In summary, the Samsung EV-NX2000 series delivers a powerful combination of high-resolution capabilities, advanced autofocus technology, and practical features, all encapsulated in a stylish and compact design. Its well-rounded performance makes it an excellent choice for photographers looking to elevate their craft while enjoying the convenience of a mirrorless camera.