Switching the Beeper Off

You can switch the beeper off whenever you want.

Using the Child Lock Feature

Your microwave oven is fitted with a special Child Lock programme,

1. Press the and

buttons at the same time.

Result :


 The following indication is displayed.

 The oven does not beep each time you

which enables the oven to be “locked” so that children or anyone unfamiliar with it cannot operate it accidentally.

The oven can be locked at any time.

1.Press the Child Lock( ) button for one second.

Result :


press a button.



2. To switch the beeper back on, press the




buttons again at the same time. Result :

 The following indication is displayed.

The oven operates with the beeper on again.

 The oven is locked (no functions can be selected).

The display shows “L”.

2.To unlock the oven, press the Child Lock( ) button for one second.

Result : The oven can be used normally.