￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿ ￿!"￿￿￿￿# ￿$￿￿￿￿￿￿%$￿￿￿￿

Using the Auto Reheat Feature


Auto Reheat Settings

The Auto Reheat feature has four pre-programmed cooking time. You do not need to set either the cooking times or the power level. You can adjust the number of servings by pressing the ( ) and ( ) buttons.

First, place the food in the centre of the turntable and close the door.

1.Select the type of food that you are cooking by pressing

the Auto ( ) button once or more times.

2. Select the size of the serving by pressing the ( ) and ( ) buttons.

(Refer to the table on the side.)

3.Press the button.

Result : Cooking starts. When it has finished.

1)The oven beeps four times.

2) The end reminder signal will beep 3 times (once every minute).

3)The current time is displayed again.

Use only recipients that are microwave-safe.

The following table presents 4 Auto Reheat Programmes, quantities, standing times and appropriate recommendations. Programmes no 1 and 2, 4 are running with microwave energy only. Programmes no 3 running with a cycle of microwaves and grill.



Standing Recommendations






300-350 g

3 min.

Put on a ceramic plate and cover with

Ready Meal

400-450 g


microwave cling film. This programme is



suitable for meals consisting of 3






components (e.g. meat with sauce,







vegetables and a side dish like potatoes,




rice or pasta).


200-250 ml

3 min.

Pour the soup/sauce into a deep ceramic


300-350 ml


soup plate or bowl. Cover during heating

400-450 ml


and standing time. Stir before and after





standing time.





200 g

3 min.

Put the frozen pasta gratin into a suitable

Pasta Gratin

400 g


sized glass pyrex dish. Put the dish on





the rack.

This programme is suitable for frozen



pasta geatin such as lasagne, cannelloni


or macaroni.



150 ml

1-2 min. Pour the liquid into ceramic cup and


(1 cup)

reheat uncovered. Place one cup/ mug in

250 ml

the centre of turntable.

Coffee, milk,

(1 mug)

Leave them to stand in the microwave

tea, water (room-






Stir drinks before and after standing








Be careful while taking the cups out (see



safety instructions for liquids).





Page 9
Image 9
Samsung GE89MSTC/XEE manual Using the Auto Reheat Feature Auto Reheat Settings