using advanced functions
7. Select the new playlist.
8. Tap Add Tracks.
9. Select the files you want to include and tap
Customise your music player settings
Learn to adjust the playback and sound
settings for your music player.
1. In Idle mode, tap Menu Music Music
2. Tap Settings.
3. Adjust the settings to customise your music
4. Tap Save.
Store radio stations automatically
1. In Idle mode, tap Menu Applications
FM radio.
2. Tap More Self-tuning.
3. Tap Yes to confirm (if necessary).
The radio scans and saves available
stations automatically.
Find information of music
Learn to access an online music service and
get information about the songs you hear while
on the move.
1. In Idle mode, tap Menu Music Music
2. Select Music recognition to connect to
the server.
3. When your phone is successfully
registered, tap to record a part of music
you want to find.
Some service providers may not support this
service and the database may not have
information for all songs.