Connectivity 87
Connect with Samsung Kies
Ensure that Samsung Kies is installed on your PC. You can
download the program from the Samsung website
In Menu mode, select
1 Settings
Samsung Kies
Press [
2 ] to return to Idle mode.
Using an optional PC data cable, connect the
3 multifunction jack on your device to a PC.
Run Samsung Kies and use wireless connections or
4 copy data and les.
Refer to the Samsung Kies help for more information.
Find your location
Learn to determine the latitude, longitude, and altitude of
your current position using the GPS.
In Menu mode, select Settings
My position.
PC connectionsLearn to connect your device to a PC with an optional
PC data cable in various USB connection modes. By
connecting the device to a PC, you can synchronize les
with Windows Media Player, transfer data to and from your
device directly, use the Samsung Kies program, and use
your device as a wireless modem for a PC.