Samsung GT-B9150 Opening an application, Buttons, Opening from recently-used applications

Models: GT-B9150

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Place the pointer at the bottom of the screen to open the navigation bar.

Button Function

Press to open the list of recent applications.



Press to open the Home screen.



Press to return to the previous screen.



Opening an application

Open the Applications screen and select an application icon to open. To close the application, press .

Opening from recently-used applications

On the Applications screen, select an application icon under Recent apps. Or, press and select an application icon to open.

Closing an application

When you multi-task by running multiple applications at the same time, some applications may slow down. It may also cause memory shortage.

Close applications not in use to maintain device performance.

Press Task manager, and then select End next to an application to close it. To close all running applications, select End all.


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Samsung GT-B9150 Opening an application, Buttons, Opening from recently-used applications, Closing an application