Tools 55
To indent the sentence, select •
increase indent
or decrease indent.
To change the text format, select
To zoom in or out, place your two ngers on the
screen and slowly pinch or spread apart.
To add an image, select
5 .
To record a sound clip, select
6 .
When you are nished, press [
7 ].
Create and edit an Excel workbook
From the Start menu, select
1 Oce.
Scroll to
2 Documents.
3 →
Excel workbook to create a new
To view and edit a workbook, select an Excel le from
the le list.
When you are nished, select
4 →
clear map.
OceLearn to create and edit Excel workbooks and Word
documents, open and view PowerPoint slideshows, create
notes, or search for and share document les with others.
Create and edit a note with OneNote
From the Start menu, select
1 Oce.
Scroll to
2 OneNote.
3 to create a new note.
Enter a title and text.
4 To change the sentence to a numbered list, select •
To change the sentence to a bulleted list, select
bulleted list.