Use location: Set to use your location information for voice search results.

Hide offensive words: Hide offensive words your device recognised from voice search results.

Auto-punctuation: Set to automatically insert punctuation marks when needed.

Listen over Bluetooth: Set to recognise your voice commands when using a connected Bluetooth headset.

Voice talk unique ID: View your device’s unique ID for services when you have problems with Voice talk.

About: View version information.

Auto-start listening: Set to automatically begin voice recognition when you launch the voice command feature.

Voice command help: Access help information for using the voice command feature.

Social settings: Change the settings for accessing community websites.

Voice talk settings: Change the settings for using Voice talk.

Voice talk help: Access help information for using Voice talk.

››Text-to-speech output

Preferred engine: View and select the text-to-speech engines in your device.

Speech rate: Select a speed for the text-to-speech feature.

Listen to an example: Listen to the spoken text for an example. Install voice data for using the text-to-speech feature.

Driving mode: Activate Driving mode to set the device to read contents aloud.

Driving mode settings: Specify applications to use in Driving mode.
