
Playing videos

Select a video to play.

Scan DLNA-enabled












Adjust the volume.




















Move forwards or













Skip to the next













backwards by









video. Tap and hold

dragging the bar.









to move forwards

















Change screen ratio.










Reduce the size of












Restart the current















the video screen.























Pause and resume













video or skip to the









previous video. Tap









and hold to move









backwards quickly.









Deleting videos

Press the Menu button, tap Delete, select videos by ticking, and then tap Delete.

Sharing videos

Press the Menu button, tap Share via, select videos by ticking, tap Done, and then select a sharing method.

Using Popup Video player

Use this feature to use other applications without closing the video player. While watching videos, tap to use the pop-up player.

Spread two fingers apart on the screen to enlarge the player or pinch to reduce it. To move the player, drag the player to another location.

Purchasing videos

Tap Download Go to store, and then select a video.