Number Function

8View music details.

9Open the playlist.

10  Access music options.

11Play the music file on a DLNA certified device.


Select a sound effect.




Change the repeat mode.




Skip to the next file; Scan forwards in the

file (tap and hold).


You can control the music player with a headset. On the Home screen, press and hold the headset button to launch the music player. Then, press the headset button to start or pause playback.

During playback, select to access the following options: To add the music file to a playlist, select Add to playlist.

To listen to music via a Bluetooth headset, select Via Bluetooth. You cannot use this option if you connect a headset to your device’s headset jack.

To send the music file to others, select Share via.

To set the music file as your alarm tone, select Set as alarm tone.

To change the music player settings, select Settings.
