Samsung GT-S3370HSAVIP, GT-S3370CWATWO Osigurajte maksimalan vijek trajanja baterije i punjača


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Osigurajte maksimalan vijek trajanja baterije i punjača

Izbjegavajte punjenje baterija više od jednog tjedna jer previše punjenja može skratiti vijek trajanja baterije.

Nerabljene baterije s vremenom će se isprazniti i moraju se ponovo napuniti prije upotrebe.

Isključite punjače iz izvora napajanja kada nisu u upotrebi.

Upotrebljavajte baterije samo u svrhu za koju su namijenjene.

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Nemojte uklanjati karticu dok telefon šalje ili prima podatke jer to može rezultirati gubitkom podataka i/ili oštećenjem kartice ili telefona.

Zaštitite kartice od jakih udara, statičkoga elektriciteta i električne buke s ostalih uređaja.

Nemojte dirati pozlaćene kontakte i polove prstima ili metalnim predmetima. Ako je potrebno očistiti karticu, brišite je mekom krpom.

Osigurajte pristup hitnim službama

Hitni pozivi s vašega telefona možda neće biti mogući u nekim područjima ili okolnostima. Prije putovanja u udaljena ili nerazvijena područja, isplanirajte alternativnu metodu kontaktiranja osoblja hitnih službi.

Certifikat o specifičnoj brzini apsorpcije (SAR)

Vaš telefon je usklađen sa standardima Europske unije (EU) koji ograničavaju ljudsku izloženost radiofrekvencijskoj energiji (RF) preko radijske i telekomunikacijske opreme. Ovi standardi sprečavaju prodaju mobilnih uređaja koji prelaze maksimalnu razinu izloženosti (poznatu kao Specifična razina izloženosti

SAR) od 2,0 W/kg. Tijekom testiranja, maksimalni SAR koji je zabilježen za ovaj model bio je 0,67 W/kg. U uobičajenoj upotrebi, stvarni SAR bi trebao biti mnogo niži jer je telefon dizajniran za emitiranje samo nužne RF energije koja je potrebna za prijenos signala do najbliže bazne postaje. Automatskim emitiranjem nižih razina gdje je to moguće, vaš telefon smanjuje cjelokupno izlaganje RF energiji.

76Informacije o sigurnosti i upotrebi

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Samsung GT-S3370HSAVIP manual Osigurajte maksimalan vijek trajanja baterije i punjača, Osigurajte pristup hitnim službama

GT-S3370HSATWO, GT-S3370CWATWO, GT-S3370DIACRG, GT-S3370HSAVIP, GT-S3370CWACRG specifications

The Samsung GT-S3370 series, which includes models such as the GT-S3370HSATRA, GT-S3370HSACRO, GT-S3370HSACRG, GT-S3370CWACRG, and GT-S3370HSAVIP, represents a unique offering in the mobile phone market. Designed to meet the needs of users looking for functionality combined with style, these devices encapsulate Samsung’s commitment to quality and innovation.

One of the main features of the GT-S3370 series is its compact design. The phones are lightweight and easy to carry, making them ideal for users who prefer portability. The sleek lines and trendy colors reflect a modern aesthetic, appealing to a younger demographic.

In terms of display, the GT-S3370 models showcase a 2.6-inch QVGA screen, which provides vivid visuals and clear text for an enjoyable user experience. The usability of the touch interface is enhanced with responsive touch technology, allowing for easy navigation through apps and settings.

The camera capabilities of the GT-S3370 series do not disappoint, featuring a 3.2-megapixel camera that allows users to capture memorable moments with ease. The integrated camera also supports video recording, enabling users to document events in real-time.

Connectivity is another key characteristic of this series. The GT-S3370 models support both 2G and 3G networks, ensuring that users can stay connected and enjoy faster internet browsing speeds. Bluetooth technology allows for seamless data transfer to other devices, while the inclusion of a microSD card slot provides expandable storage options, accommodating all those essential apps, photos, and music files.

Battery life is commendable with these models, featuring a 1000mAh battery that offers a decent talk and standby time. Users can stay engaged without the constant need for recharging, ideal for those who are on the move.

Additionally, these models come pre-installed with Samsung’s proprietary software, offering a range of applications designed to enhance productivity and entertainment. The user-friendly interface makes it easy for users of all ages to navigate through various functions.

In conclusion, the Samsung GT-S3370 series embodies a blend of style, functionality, and innovation. With a focus on essential features that cater to everyday needs, these models provide a reliable mobile experience for users looking to balance practicality with modern design.