
Learn to use the Google Mapsmapping service to find your location, search for places, and get directions.

●● This feature may be unavailable depending on your region or service provider.

●● You must activate location services to find your location and search the map. p. 118

››Search for a location

1 In the application list, select Maps.

The map will show your current location.

2 Select .

3 Enter a keyword for the location.

To search for a location by voice, select .

4 Select the location to view its details.

While viewing the map, use the following options:






To zoom in or out, place two fingers on the screen and slowly spread them apart or pinch them together.

To view all of the search results, select RESULTS LIST. To view your current location, select .

To add a star to the location, select the balloon with the location name .

To add layers of additional information to the map or change the view mode, select .

Web and GPS-based services