Using Wi-Fi

Learn to connect the device to a wireless local area network (WLAN) to access the internet or other network devices. For more information, see the "Wi-Fi" section of the user manual.

Your device uses non-harmonised frequency and is intended for use in all European countries. The WLAN can be operated in the EU without restriction indoors, but cannot be operated outdoors in France.

››Activate the WLAN feature

In Menu mode, select Settings Connectivity Wi-Fi. You can also open the shortcuts panel and select Wi-Fi.

››Find and connect to a WLAN


In Menu mode, select Settings Connectivity




The device will automatically search for available



Select the check box next to a network.


Enter a password for the network and select OK (if



Customise settings to add a connection profile for the


selected network. For details on each setting options,


see the user manual.

When you are finished, select Back.

You can now use the WLAN profile for network connections. Change the profile setting to the configured WLAN profile in the web browser or other web-based services.

Using Wi-Fi 49