￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿"￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿ ￿!￿￿￿￿" ￿#￿￿￿￿￿￿$#￿￿%!

Vodič za kuvanje


Mikrotalasna energija prodire u hranu tako što je privlači i apsorbuje sadržaj vode, masti i šećera u hrani.

Mikrotalasi izazivaju brzo kretanje molekula hrane. Brzo kretanje molekula prouzrokuje trenje, a stvorena toplota kuva hranu.


Posuđe za kuvanje pomoću mikrotalasa.

Posuđe mora omogućiti prodiranje mikrotalasne energije kroz njega kako bi se postigao maksimalni efekat. Metali kao što su nehrđajući čelik, aluminijum i bakar odbijaju mikrotalase, ali mikrotalasi mogu da prodru kroz keramiku, staklo, porcelan i plastiku kao i kroz papir i drvo. Hrana se, dakle, nikada ne sme kuvati u metalnom posuđu.

Hrana koja se može kuvati u mikrotalasnoj pećnici:

Razne vrste hrane se mogu kuvati u mikrotalasnoj pećnici, uključujući sveže i smrznuto povrće, voće, testenine, pirinač, zrnevlje, mahunarke, ribu i meso. Sosovi, kremovi, supe, pudinzi i slatko takođe se mogu kuvati u mikrotalasnoj pećnici. Uopšteno gledano, mikrotalasno kuvanje je idealnu za sve vrste hrane koje bi se inače pripremale na štednjaku. Na primer, za topljenje margarina ili čokolade ( pogledajte poglavlje sa savetima, tehnikama i korisnim napomenama).

Korišćenje poklopca tokom kuvanja

Tokom kuvanja, važno je da hrana bude poklopljena, jer voda koja isparava pospešuje proces kuvanja. Hrana se može poklopiti na različite načine: npr. keramičkim tanjirom, plastičnim poklopcem ili providnom folijom koja se može koristiti u mikrotalasnoj pećnici.

Vreme nakon kuvanja

Po završetku kuvanja, važno je da hrana odstoji kako bi se omogućilo izjednačavanje temperature u samoj hrani.

Vodiè za kuvanje smrznutog povræa

Koristite odgovarajuću vatrostalnu činiju sa poklopcem. Kuvajte pokriveno u minimalnom trajanju - pogledajte tabelu. Nastavite sa kuvanjem dok ne budete zadovoljni rezultatom.

Promešajte dvaput tokom kuvanja i jednom nakon kuvanja. Nakon kuvanja, dodajte so, začinsko bilje ili maslac. Nakon kuvanja ostavite poklopac.





Vreme nakon






odmrzavanja (min)



150 g

600 W



Dodajte 15 ml






(1 kašiku)






hladne vode.








300 g

600 W



Dodajte 15 ml






(1 kašike)






hladne vode.


300 g

600 W



Dodajte 15 ml






(1 kašike)






hladne vode.








300 g

600 W



Dodajte 15 ml






(1 kašiku)






hladne vode.

Mešano povrće

300 g

600 W



Dodajte 15 ml

(šargarepa /





(1 kašike)

grašak / kukuruz)





hladne vode.







Mešano povrće

300 g

600 W



Dodajte 15 ml

(na kineski način)





(1 kašiku)






hladne vode.









Page 57
Image 57
Samsung GW71E/XEH, GW71E-S/XET, GW71E/XEC manual Vodič za kuvanje, Mikrotalasi, Kuvanje, Vodiè za kuvanje smrznutog povræa

GW71E/XEH, GW71E-S/XET, GW71E/XEO, GW71E/BOL, GW71E/XEC specifications

The Samsung GW71E/XET and GW71E-S/XET are notable entries in the realm of smart technology, reflecting Samsung's commitment to innovation and user satisfaction. These models embody a blend of advanced features, cutting-edge technologies, and user-friendly characteristics that cater to a diverse range of needs.

One of the standout features of the GW71E series is its impressive display technology. Utilizing Samsung's proprietary QLED technology, these models offer vibrant color reproduction, exceptional brightness, and remarkable contrast ratios. The result is a viewing experience that is not only visually stunning but also immersive, making it ideal for various applications, from entertainment to professional tasks.

The GW71E is equipped with a robust processor that ensures smooth performance, whether multitasking with several applications or streaming high-definition content. This efficiency is further enhanced by the models' generous memory and storage configurations, allowing users to store ample data and run applications seamlessly.

In terms of connectivity, both the GW71E/XET and GW71E-S/XET come with a comprehensive array of options. They support the latest Wi-Fi standards, enabling fast and stable internet connections. Additionally, multiple HDMI and USB ports facilitate easy integration with other devices, such as gaming consoles, Blu-ray players, and external hard drives. This versatility makes it an ideal hub for any entertainment setup.

Security is another focal point for Samsung in these models. They come with advanced security features such as Samsung Knox, which protects personal and sensitive information from threats. This emphasis on security is vital for users who value privacy and data protection in a connected world.

Moreover, the GW71E series boasts an intelligent interface that simplifies navigation and enhances user experience. With smart features such as voice control and personalized recommendations, users can effortlessly access their favorite content and applications. The inclusion of SmartThings integration allows users to control compatible smart home devices directly from their screen, adding convenience to daily living.

In terms of design, the GW71E and GW71E-S maintain a sleek and modern aesthetic, making them suitable for any interior decor. The minimalistic bezels and premium finish add a touch of elegance, ensuring they are not just functional devices but also attractive additions to any space.

In summary, the Samsung GW71E/XET and GW71E-S/XET offer a compelling combination of advanced display technology, robust performance, versatile connectivity, and sophisticated security features. With their user-centric design and innovative functionalities, these models are positioned to meet the demands of both everyday users and tech enthusiasts alike.