￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿ ￿￿!"￿!￿￿￿

Choosing the Accessories


Combining Microwaves and the Grill


Use microwave-safe recipients; do not use plastic containers, dishes,


paper cups, towels, etc.


If you wish to select the combined cooking mode (grill and


microwave), use only dishes that are microwave-safe and oven-


proof. Metallic cookware or utensils may damage your oven.

For further details on suitable cookware and utensils, refer to the Cookware Guide on page 11.


The grill enables you to heat and brown food quickly, without using microwaves. For this purpose, a grill rack is supplied with your microwave oven.

1.Preheat the grill to the required temperature, by turning the

cooking power control knob to grill symbol ( ) and

turning the TIME/WEIGHT( ) knob to the appropriate position.

2.Open the door. Place the food on the rack and the rack on

the turntable. Close the door.

3.Set the time by turning the TIME/WEIGHT ( ) dial.


The oven light comes on and the turntable


starts rotating.

1)Cooking starts and when it has finished the oven beeps four times.

2)The end reminder signal will beep 3 times (once every minute).

3)The current time is displayed again.

Do not worry if the heater turns off and on while grilling.

This system is designed to prevent overheating of the oven.

Always use oven gloves when touching the dishes in the oven, as they will be very hot.

You can also combine microwave cooking with the grill, to cook quickly and brown at the same time.

ALWAYS use microwave-safe and oven-proof cookware. Glass or ceramic dishes are ideal as they allow the microwaves to penetrate the food evenly.

ALWAYS use oven gloves when touching the recipients in the oven, as they will be very hot.

1.Open the oven door. Place the food on the rack and the

rack on the turntable. Close the door.

2.Turn the Cooking Power Control knob to the appropriate

power Level ( , , ).

3.Set the time by turning TIME/WEIGHT ( ) dial.


The oven light comes on and the turntable


starts rotating.

1)Cooking starts and when it has finished the oven beeps four times.

2)The end reminder signal will beep 3 times (once every minute).

3)The current time is displayed again..

The maximum microwave power for the combined microwave and grill mode is 600W.


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Samsung GW72N-B/ELE manual Choosing the Accessories Combining Microwaves and the Grill, Grilling