￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿ ￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿ ￿￿!"￿!￿￿￿

Manual Defrosting of Food


Auto Defrost Settings

The Manual Defrost feature enables you to defrost meat, poultry, fish.

First, place the frozen food in the centre of the turntable and close the door.

1. Turn the COOKING POWER CONTROL knob to the

Manual Defrost ( ) symbol.

2.Turn the TIME/WEIGHT ( ) dial to select the

appropriate time.

Result: The oven light comes on and the turntable starts rotating.

1)Cooking starts and when it has finished the oven beeps four times.

2)The end reminder signal will beep 3 times (once every minute).

3)The current time is displayed again.

Use only recipients that are microwave-safe.

Select the Manual Defrosting function with a power level of 180 W if you want to defrost food manually. For further details on manual defrosting and defrosting time, refer to the page 16.

Using the Auto Defrosting Feature

The Auto Defrost feature enables you to defrost meat, poultry, fish, fruit/berry.

First, place the frozen food in the centre of the turntable and close

the door.

1. Turn the COOKING POWER CONTROL knob to the Auto

Defrost ( ) symbol.

Remove all kinds of packaging material before defrosting. Place the frozen foods on a turntable.

Turn the food over when the oven beeps.

Keep the corresponding standing time after Auto Defrosting has finished.















20-60 min

Shield the edges with aluminium foil.



20-60 min

Turn the food over when the oven



20-50 min







2.Turn the TIME/WEIGHT ( ) dial to select the

appropriate weight.

Result: The oven light comes on and the turntable starts rotating.

1)Cooking starts and when it has finished the oven beeps four times.

2)The end reminder signal will beep 3 times (once every minute).

3)The current time is displayed again.

Use only recipients that are microwave-safe.


Page 29
Image 29
Samsung GW72N-B/ELE manual Manual Defrosting of Food Auto Defrost Settings, Using the Auto Defrosting Feature