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Upravljanje memorijskom karticom

Preporučuje se da isključite uređaj prije umetanja ili uklanjanja memorijske kartice kako biste izbjegli gubitak podataka.

Nije sigurno da možete koristiti memorijsku karticu koja je formatirana pomoću drugih uređaja. Uvjerite se da ste vašu karticu formatirali pomoću ovog kamkordera.

Ukoliko ne možete koristiti memorijsku karticu koja je ranije korištena s drugim uređajem, formatirajte ju na vašem kamkorderu s memorijom. Imajte na umu da formatiranjem brišete sve informacije na memorijskoj kartici. Trebate formatirati skorije kupljene memorijske kartice, memorijske kartice s podacima koje vaš kamkorder ne može preponati ili su sačuvani na drugim uređajima. Imajte na umu da formatiranjem brišete sve podatke na memorijskoj kartici.

Memorijska kartica ima određen radni vijek. Ukoliko ne možete snimiti nove podatke, trebate kupiti novu memorijsku karticu.

Memorijska kartica je precizan elektronski medij. Nemojte ju savijati, ispuštati ili udarati.

Ne stavljajte nepoznate tvari na izvode memorijske kartice. Rabite mekanu suhu krpu za čišćenje izvoda ako je nužno.

Ne stavljajte ništa drugo osim ekskluzivne naljepnice.

Ne koristite oštećenu memorijsku karticu.

Pazite da držite memorijsku karticu izvan dosega djece koja ju mogu progutati.

Kamkorder podržava SD i SDHC memorijske kartice za pohranu podataka!

Brzina pohranjivanja podataka može varirati ovisno o proizvođaču i sustavu proizvodnje.

SLC (single-level cell) sustav: omogućena je veća brzina zapisa.

MLC (multi-level cell) sustav: podržana je samo manja

brzina zapisa.

Za najbolje rezultate, preporučujemo korištenje momorijske kartice koja podržava veću brzinu upisivanja.

Upotreba memorijske kartice manje brzine zapisa za snimanje video zapisa može prouzrokovati poteškoće sa pohranjivanjem video zapisa na memorijsku karticu. Možete izgubiti video podatke za vrijeme snimanja.

Da bi sačuvao dio snimljenog video zapisa, kamkorder pohranjuje film na memorijsku karticu i prikazuje upozorenje:

“Low speed card. Please record at a lower resolution.” Ako ne možete izbjeći upotrebu memorijske kartice male brzine, razlučivost i kvaliteta snimanja mogu biti manje od podešene vrijednosti. ￿stranica 53

Ipak, što je veća razlučivost i kvaliteta koristi se više memorije.

• Samsung nije odgovoran za gubitak podataka uslijed nepravilne upotrebe. (uključujući viruse računala)

Preporučujemo da koristite kućište za memorijsku karticu kako biste izbjegli gubitak podataka.

Nakon određenog vremena upotrebe, memorijska kartica može postati topla. To je normalna pojava a ne kvar.


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Samsung HMX-H300SP/EDC manual Upravljanje memorijskom karticom

HMX-H300SP/EDC specifications

The Samsung HMX-H300SP/EDC is a compact and feature-rich camcorder designed for both amateur and semi-professional videographers. This device is engineered to capture high-resolution video with remarkable clarity and color fidelity, making it an excellent choice for a variety of recording needs, from family events to travel documentaries.

One of the standout features of the HMX-H300SP/EDC is its ability to record in Full HD 1080p at 60fps, ensuring that videos come out smooth and detailed. The camcorder is equipped with a powerful 3.0-inch touchscreen LCD display that provides a user-friendly interface, allowing users to navigate settings and playback footage with ease. This display also enhances the shooting experience by offering a clear view of framing and compositions.

The HMX-H300SP/EDC employs Samsung’s advanced optical zoom technology, featuring a 20x optical zoom lens that allows for close-up shots without sacrificing image quality. This capability enables users to capture distant subjects easily, making it ideal for outdoor events and nature photography.

In terms of storage, the camcorder supports SD/SDHC memory cards, providing ample space for extensive video recording. Coupled with its dual codec functionality, users can choose to record in either AVCHD or MP4 formats, which allows for greater flexibility when it comes to editing and sharing videos. Availing of these formats is crucial for compatibility with various editing software and platforms.

Another key technology incorporated into the HMX-H300SP/EDC is the Smart Auto feature, which intelligently selects the best settings based on the shooting environment. This functionality is particularly beneficial for novice users, as it takes the guesswork out of adjusting settings, allowing them to focus more on the creative aspects of filming.

For audio capture, the camcorder features a built-in stereo microphone that ensures crystal clear sound quality, enhancing the overall production value of the recorded videos. Additionally, with the help of features such as the Wind Cut function, users can reduce unwanted background noise during outdoor filming.

The stylish and lightweight design of the HMX-H300SP/EDC makes it exceptionally portable, ensuring that users can take it anywhere. Its ergonomic shape and easy-to-reach controls contribute to a comfortable filming experience, even during extended use.

In summary, the Samsung HMX-H300SP/EDC is a versatile camcorder packed with innovative features that cater to a diverse range of videography needs. With its exceptional video quality, flexible recording formats, and user-friendly interface, it stands out as a reliable choice for anyone looking to capture life's moments with professional flair.