Dolby Pro Logic II Mode

You can select the desired Dolby ProLogic II audio mode.Press the PL II button.

When listening to music, you can experience

sound effects as if you are listening to the


actual performance.


Adds realism to the movie soundtrack.


You will experience a realistic multi-channel

effect, as if using six speakers, while using


just the front left and right speakers.


You will hear multi channel surround sound.


Select this to listen to sound from the front left

and right speakers and the subwoofer only.





￿When selecting Dolby Pro Logic II mode, connect your external device to the AUDIO INPUT jacks (L and R) on the product. If you connect to only one of the inputs (L or R), you cannot listen to surround sound.

￿This mode is available only with 2 channel audio.

Playing back a Picture


Playing a JPEG Disc

1.Insert a JPEG disc into the disc tray.2.Press the ◄► buttons to select the Photos, and then press the ENTER button.

3.Press the ▲▼◄► buttons to select the folder you want to play, and then press the ENTER button.

4.Press the ▲▼◄► buttons to select the photo you want to play, and then press the ENTER button.


￿You can't enlarge the subtitle and PG graphic in the full screen mode.




Using the TOOLS button



the TOOLS button.



During the slide show playback, you



can use various function by pressing




Stop Slide Show

Slide Show Speed : Normal

Background Music




>Move "Enter 'Return

Start Slide Show : Select this if you want to start the slide show.

Slide Show Speed : Select this if you want to adjust the Slide Show speed.

Background Music : Select this if you want to listen to music while viewing a picture.

Zoom : Select this if you want to enlarge the current picture. (Enlarged up to 4 times)

Rotate : Select this if you to rotate the picture. (This will rotate the picture either clockwise or counter clockwise.)

Information : Shows the picture information including the name and size, etc.


￿To enable the Background Music function, both music and MP3 fi les must be contained in the same folder. However, the sound quality can be affected by the bit rate of the MP3 fi le, the size of the photo and the encoding method.
