Samsung LC24A650XS/EN, LC24A650XSR/EN manual Configuring the HUB Monitor IP, Dynamic IP User

Models: LC24A650XSR/EN LC24A650XS/XK LC24A650XS/EN

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2Using "HUB Monitor"

2.5Configuring the HUB Monitor IP

1After installing the integrated driver for HUB Monitor, go to Control Panel Network and Internet

Network and Sharing Center Change adapter settings.

2You can see that the following two devices are displayed.

a.The user PC’s network device

b.The HUB Monitor’s network device (USB to Ethernet adapter)

The two devices above refer to your PC’s LAN network device and your HUB Monitor’s network device.

To use the Internet using the HUB Monitor’s LAN network, configure the network settings as follows

according to the type of IP you will be using.

2.5.1 Dynamic IP

The dynamic IP address mode automatically configures the network settings on the PC using data sent by a server, which allots an IP address. This is possible, owing to the “DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol)” service. The service consists of three steps: an IP address allotment request is sent to the DHCP server when the PC boots up, the DHCP server that received the request transmits network information such as the IP address to the PC, and the transmitted network information is automatically registered to the network settings on the PC. The DHCP service is convenient and useful especially in an environment where multiple PCs are used. Theoretically, the IP address changes each time the PC boots up (or an IP allotment request is sent); in many cases, however, the existing IP address is re-allotted. An Internet router performs two roles: creating a private IP address (NAT service) and automatically allotting the IP address to each PC (DHCP service) at the same time.

When using your HUB Monitor's or notebook PC’s LAN network, ensure you insert a LAN cable into

only one device. Otherwise, a system crash may occur.

Dynamic IP User

1To use a dynamic IP address, connect a LAN to your HUB Monitor.

2Next, go to the network settings menu and activate the HUB Monitor's network device (select “Use”).

2 Using "HUB Monitor" 43

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Samsung LC24A650XS/EN, LC24A650XSR/EN, LC24A650XS/XK manual Configuring the HUB Monitor IP, Dynamic IP User