Drošības instrukcijas

Pārbaudiet, vai strāvas kontaktdakša ir stingri un pareizi ievie- tota strāvas kontaktligzdā.

Pretējā gadījumā varat izraisīt ugunsgrēku.

Nelokiet un nevelciet strāvas vadu ar spēku, nenovietojiet uz tā smagus priekšmetus.

Pretējā gadījumā varat izraisīt ugunsgrēku.

Nepievienojiet vairākas ierīces vienai strāvas kontaktligzdai.

Pretējā gadījumā pārkaršanas dēļ var izcelties ugunsgrēks.

Neatvienojiet strāvas vadu, kamēr lieto monitoru.

Pretējā gadījumā īssavienojuma rezultātā var rasties monitora bojājumi.

Lai atvienotu aparātu no strāvas, spraudnis jāizvelk no strāvas ligzdas un ar to jāvar brīvi rīkoties.

Pretējā gadījumā tas var izraisīt elektrošoku vai aizdegšanos.

Izmantojiet tikai mūsu uzņēmuma piegādāto strāvas vadu.

Neizmantojiet cita izstrādājuma komplektā iekļautu strāvas vadu.

Pretējā gadījumā varat izraisīt ugunsgrēku vai gūt elektrošoku.

Pievienojiet spraudkontaktu tādai sienas kontaktligzdai, ko var viegli aizsniegt.

Ja ierīces darbībā rodas problēma, ir jāatvieno spraudkon- takts, lai pilnībā atslēgtu strāvas padevi. Strāvas padevi nevar atvienot pilnībā, izmantojot tikai ierīces ieslēgšanas/izslēgša- nas pogu.


Ja plānojat novietot monitoru telpā, kurā ir daudz putekļu, augsta vai ze- ma temperatūra, vai glabājas ķimikālijas, vai arī ja tam jābūt ieslēgtam 24 stundas diennaktī (piemēram, lidostās, dzelzceļa stacijās utt.), noteikti sazinieties ar pilnvarotu apkopes centru.

Pretējā gadījumā monitoru var nopietni sabojāt.

Lai paceltu un pārvietotu monitoru, nepieciešamas vismaz divas personas.

Pretējā gadījumā tas var nokrist un kādu savainot un/vai sab- ojāties.

Uzstādot monitoru skapī vai plauktā, pārliecinieties, vai moni- tora apakšdaļas priekšējā mala nav no tā izvirzījusies.

Pretējā gadījumā monitors var nokrist vai kādu savainot.

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Samsung LH32CRSMBD/EN, LH32CRTMBC/EN manual Instalēšana

LH32CRSMBD/EN, LH32CRTMBC/EN specifications

The Samsung LH32CRTMBC/EN, LH32CRSMBC/EN, and LH32CRSMBD/EN are innovative displays designed to meet the demands of various professional environments, particularly in retail and corporate settings. These models are part of Samsung's advanced lineup of signage displays, renowned for their superior visual quality and cutting-edge technology.

One of the standout features is their impressive 32-inch size, which provides an optimal balance between visibility and space efficiency. These displays utilize a full HD resolution of 1920 x 1080 pixels, ensuring crisp and vibrant images that capture the attention of viewers. The high brightness levels, up to 350 nits, further enhance visibility in well-lit environments, making them suitable for storefronts and busy public spaces.

Each model is equipped with Samsung’s proprietary Tizen operating system, which allows for seamless integration of various applications and content management systems. This flexibility ensures that users can easily update and manage their displays remotely, whether through Wi-Fi or Ethernet connections. The user-friendly interface facilitates the deployment of dynamic content such as advertisements, promotions, or information, without the need for extensive technical know-how.

Additionally, these displays are designed with commercial-grade durability in mind. They feature a robust build that can withstand the rigors of continuous operation—ideal for environments where uptime is critical. The screens support 24/7 operation, making them perfect for applications that require constant visibility.

Connectivity options are plentiful with these models, featuring multiple HDMI and USB ports, allowing for the quick connection of various media sources. The inclusion of DisplayPort ensures high bandwidth for video signals, enhancing the overall user experience.

The LH32CRTMBC/EN, LH32CRSMBC/EN, and LH32CRSMBD/EN also incorporate advanced features such as picture-in-picture capabilities, enabling users to display multiple content sources simultaneously. This is particularly advantageous in settings where informative and promotional content needs to be presented together.

In conclusion, the Samsung LH32CRTMBC/EN, LH32CRSMBC/EN, and LH32CRSMBD/EN are robust signage solutions that blend advanced technology with user-friendly features. Their excellent display quality, reliable performance, and extensive connectivity options make them ideal for any professional usage, effectively enhancing customer engagement and driving business objectives.