What is MagicInfo Pro?

Using MagicInfo Pro




Remote Management



Client / Contents




















File Menu

Library / Screen / Schedule / Remote Management / Message

￿Creates a view or selects a created view for each menu item so that you can perform a screen schedule and have basic control over the monitors from the server.


￿Closes the screen view you are working in. If there are unsaved changes, a new window is displayed so that you can save them.

Log In

￿You must log onto the server before you can use any one of its functions. You can log onto the server to run a server program. The password you enter when installing MagicInfo Pro becomes the password of the Administrator account by default.

Log Out

￿Once you are logged onto the server, you can log out. If you log out from the server, all created views are closed and if there are any unsaved changes, a new window is displayed so that you can save them.

Change Password

￿Changes the password of the currently logged-in account.

User Account

￿Creates, deletes and changes the user accounts that can log onto the server. There are two types of accounts that can be created: Administrator and User Accounts.

￿Administrator : Has privileges for all server functions.

￿User : Has privileges for all functions except for changing the server options and user account features.


￿Exits the program. If there are any unsaved changes, a new window is displayed in which you can save the changes.