- Comments : Comments entered by the user for the selected library file. You can edit them.

￿New Folder: This menu item is only activated when neither a folder nor a file is selected. If you select this menu item, a new folder is created. However, it is deactivated when a library or office folder is selected in the tree view.

Hot Key

￿F2 key: Renames the selected folder. However, you cannot rename a file.

￿Delete key: Deletes the selected folders, subfolders, and library files.

￿Ctrl + X keys: Cuts the selected library files to the clipboard so that you can paste them to other location. However, this hot key is not supported for folders.

￿Ctrl + V keys: Pastes the library files cut to the clipboard to the selected location. However, you cannot paste them when a library or office folder is selected in the tree view.

Exploring Screen

Displays the subfolders and files under the selected folder.



￿Double-click to move to the upper folder.

￿Double-click to move to that lower folder.

Drag & Drop