Drošības instrukcijas

Pretējā gadījumā monitors var nokrist zemē un kabeļa bojāju- ma dēļ var rasties īssavienojums, monitora bojājumi vai uguns- grēks.

Nepaceliet monitoru un nepārvietojiet to uz priekšu un atpakaļ vai pa labi un pa kreisi, ja esat satvēris tikai tā strāvas vadu vai signāla kabeļus.

Pretējā gadījumā monitors var nokrist zemē un kabeļa bojāju- ma dēļ var rasties īssavienojums, monitora bojājumi vai uguns- grēks.

Pārliecinieties, vai ventilācijas atveri neaizsedz galds vai aiz- kari.

Pretējā gadījumā iekšējās temperatūras paaugstināšanās dēļ var izcelties ugunsgrēks.

Nenovietojiet uz izstrādājuma tvertnes ar ūdeni, vāzes, puķu- podus, medikamentus vai metāla izstrādājumus.

Ja izstrādājumā iekļūst ūdens vai kāds svešķermenis, atvie- nojiet strāvas vadu un sazinieties ar apkopes centru.

Šādos apstākļos var rasties monitora darbības traucējumi vai īssavienojums, vai izcelties ugunsgrēks.

Neizmantojiet un neuzglabājiet monitora tuvumā uzliesmojošus aerosolus vai ugunsnedrošus materiālus.

Pretējā gadījumā varat izraisīt sprādzienu vai ugunsgrēku.

Neievietojiet monitorā (tā ventilācijas atverēs, ievades un iz- vades termināļos utt.) metāla priekšmetus, piemēram, irbuļus, monētas, adatas un tērauda objektus, kā arī ugunsnedrošus priekšmetus, piemēram, sērkociņus vai papīru.

Ja izstrādājumā iekļūst ūdens vai kāds svešķermenis, atvie- nojiet strāvas vadu un sazinieties ar apkopes centru.

Pretējā gadījumā varat gūt elektrošoku vai izraisīt ugunsgrēku. Ilgstoši izmantojot nemainīgu attēlu, tas var fiksēties ekrānā.

Ja plānojat ilgstoši neizmantot monitoru, pārslēdziet to miega režīmā vai izmantojiet kustīgu ekrānsaudzētāju.

Iestatiet monitoram piemērotu izšķirtspēju un frekvenci.

Pretējā gadījumā varat sabojāt redzi.

Izmantojot austiņas, neieslēdziet pārāk lielu skaļumu.

Ja skaņa ir pārāk skaļa, varat sabojāt dzirdi.

Lai izvairītos no acu pārpūles, nesēdiet pārāk tuvu ierīcei.


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Samsung LH40MRTLBC/EN manual

LH40MRTLBC/EN specifications

The Samsung LH40MRTLBC/EN, LH46MRTLBC/EN, LH46MSTLBB/EN, LH40MRPLBF/EN, and LH46MRPLBF/EN are part of Samsung's innovative lineup of commercial displays designed to enhance viewing experiences in a variety of environments. These models are tailored for business applications, including retail, corporate, and hospitality sectors, offering advanced features that ensure reliability, clarity, and versatility.

One of the standout features of the Samsung LH series is their exceptional display quality. The models boast Full HD resolution with 1920 x 1080 pixels, providing sharp and detailed visuals that are crucial for capturing the attention of viewers. The high brightness levels enable visibility even in well-lit environments, making these displays ideal for storefronts and public spaces where clear content presentation is paramount.

In terms of design, these displays come with sleek and professional aesthetics that seamlessly integrate into any environment. Their slim bezels maximize the screen-to-body ratio, allowing for a more immersive viewing experience. Additionally, the robust build quality assures longevity and durability, essential for continuous operation in commercial settings.

Samsung has integrated cutting-edge technologies into these displays, including the Samsung MagicINFO software. This powerful content management system allows users to easily create, schedule, and manage content remotely, enhancing advertising and informational campaigns. The displays also feature SMART Signage capabilities, enabling connectivity with a wide range of devices and facilitating effective communication strategies.

Furthermore, these models are designed for 24/7 operation, catering to businesses that require reliable performance without downtime. They are equipped with advanced thermal management systems to prevent overheating, ensuring sustained performance in high-demand environments.

Connectivity is another key advantage of Samsung's LH series. The displays support multiple input options, including HDMI, DisplayPort, and USB, allowing for easy integration with various multimedia devices. This versatility makes them suitable for a range of applications, from digital signage to presentations.

In summary, the Samsung LH40MRTLBC/EN, LH46MRTLBC/EN, LH46MSTLBB/EN, LH40MRPLBF/EN, and LH46MRPLBF/EN displays are engineered to deliver outstanding performance, stunning visuals, and reliable functionality. Their advanced features and technologies make them an excellent choice for businesses looking to enhance their visual communication strategies and provide impactful viewing experiences.