•• Function
Turn Video Wall on or off on the product from your computer.
•• Get Video Wall On/Off Status
Header | Command | ID | Data length | Checksum |
0xAA | 0x84 |
| 0 |
| |
•• Set Video Wall On/Off |
| |
Header | Command | ID | Data length | Data |
| Checksum |
0xAA | 0x84 |
| 1 | V.Wall_On |
•• V.Wall_On : Video Wall code to be assigned to the product
1:Video Wall ON
0:Video Wall OFF
•• Ack
Header | Command | ID | Data length | Ack/Nak | Val1 | Checksum | |
0xAA | 0xFF |
| 3 | 'A' | 0x84 | V.Wall_ |
| On |
V.Wall_On : Same as above
•• Nak
Header | Command | ID | Data length | Ack/Nak | Val1 | Checksum | |
0xAA | 0xFF |
| 3 | 'N' | 0x84 | ERR |
"ERR": A code showing what error has occurred
•• Function
Turn the Video Wall function on or off on the product from your computer.
•• Get Video Wall Status
Header | Command | ID | Data length |
| Checksum |
0xAA | 0x89 |
| 0 |
| |
•• Set Video Wall |
| |
| ||
Header | Command | ID | Data length | Val1 | Val2 | Checksum | ||
| ||
0xAA | 0x89 |
| 2 | Wall_Div | Wall_SNo |
Wall_Div: Video Wall Divider code assigned to the product