Drošības instrukcijas

Izmantojot austiņas, neieslēdziet pārāk lielu skaļumu.

Ja skaņa ir pārāk skaļa, varat sabojāt dzirdi.

Lai izvairītos no acu pārpūles, nesēdiet pārāk tuvu ierīcei.

Ik pēc vienu (1) stundu ilgas monitora izmantošanas atpūtieties vismaz piecas (5) minūtes.

Tas samazina acu nogurumu.

Neuzstādiet to nestabilā vietā, piemēram, uz nestabila plaukta, uz nelīdzenas virsmas vai vietā, kas pakļauta vibrācijai.

Pretējā gadījumā monitors var nokrist un kādu savainot un/vai sabojāties.

Izmantojot monitoru vibrācijai pakļautā vietā, var rasties mon- itora bojājumi un izcelties ugunsgrēks.

Pārvietojot monitoru, izslēdziet tā barošanu un atvienojiet strā- vas kontaktdakšu, antenas kabeli un visus monitoram pievienotos kabeļus.

Pretējā gadījumā varat gūt elektrošoku vai izraisīt ugunsgrēku. Raugieties, lai bērni neturētos pie monitora vai nerāptos uz tā.

Monitors var nokrist, izraisot traumas vai nāvi.

Ja plānojat monitoru ilgstoši neizmantot, atvienojiet strāvas va- du no strāvas kontaktligzdas.

Pretējā gadījumā tas var pārkarst vai aizdegties, ja uz tā sak- rāsies putekļi, vai īssavienojuma vai strāvas noplūdes dēļ var izcelties ugunsgrēks.

Nenovietojiet uz monitora smagus priekšmetus, kā arī rotaļlietas vai konditorejas izstrādājumus, piemēram, cepumus utt., kas var pievērst bērna uzmanību monitoram.

Bērns var pieķerties monitoram, tas var nokrist, izraisot trau- mas vai nāvi.

Izņemot bateriju no tālvadības pults, uzmaniet, lai bērns neliktu to mutē. Novietojiet bateriju vietā, kur tai nevar piekļūt bērni vai zīdaiņi.

Ja bērns ir ielicis mutē bateriju, nekavējoties ziņojiet par to ār- stam.

Nomainot bateriju, ievietojiet to ar pareizo polaritāti (+, -).

Pretējā gadījumā baterija var sabojāties vai iekšējā šķidruma noplūdes dēļ var izcelties ugunsgrēks, rasties traumas vai bo- jājumi.

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Samsung LH55CSPLBC/EN manual

LH55CSPLBC/EN specifications

The Samsung LH55CSPLBC/EN is a cutting-edge display solution designed to meet the demands of modern businesses and professionals. This model, a part of Samsung's premium lineup of digital signage displays, stands out in both performance and versatility, making it an ideal choice for various commercial applications.

At the heart of the LH55CSPLBC/EN is its impressive 55-inch screen. This display utilizes Samsung's advanced LED technology, which delivers vibrant colors and deep contrasts. With a resolution of 1920 x 1080 pixels, the Full HD quality ensures that visuals are sharp and clear, making it perfect for presentations, advertisements, or information sharing in bustling environments.

One of the standout features of this display is its ultra-thin bezel design. This not only enhances the aesthetic appeal but also allows for seamless video walls when multiple displays are used in conjunction. The minimized bezels can create a more immersive viewing experience, making the content more engaging for the audience.

In terms of brightness, the LH55CSPLBC/EN boasts a high brightness level, offering excellent visibility even in well-lit spaces. This makes it highly suitable for retail environments, lobbies, or conference rooms where ambient light may otherwise hinder visibility.

Another critical aspect of this Samsung display is its ability to operate 24/7. Designed for durability and reliability, the LH55CSPLBC/EN can be used continuously, ensuring businesses can run their messaging and branding without interruption.

Connectivity options are extensive, featuring HDMI, DisplayPort, and RS232 interfaces, allowing for easy integration with various devices, whether it be computers, media players, or other peripherals. Additionally, it supports remote management, enabling users to control multiple displays simultaneously from a single location, enhancing operational efficiency.

The Samsung LH55CSPLBC/EN doesn't just excel in image quality; it is also equipped with advanced image processing technology that optimizes content for display, ensuring that graphics, videos, and text are presented in the best possible light.

Overall, the Samsung LH55CSPLBC/EN is an exceptional digital signage solution that combines stunning visuals, reliability, and smart technologies. It stands as a compelling choice for businesses looking to enhance their communication strategies and engage their audience effectively.