Proizvedeno uz licencu tvrtke Dolby Laboratories.
Simbol Dolby i simbol dvostrukog slova D zaštitni su znakovi tvrtke Dolby
DivX Certified Ⓡ to play DivX Ⓡ video up to HD 1080p, including premium content.
DivXⓇ, DivX CertifiedⓇ and associated logos are trademarks of DivX, Inc. and are used under license.
ABOUT DIVX VIDEO: DivXⓇ is a digital video format created by DivX, Inc. This is an official DivX CertifiedⓇ device that plays DivX video. Visit www.divx.com for more information and software tools to convert your files into DivX video.
Premium Sound 5.1
Manufactured under a license from U.S. Patent No’s: 5,956,674, 5,974,380, 5,978,762, 6,487,535, 6,226,616, 7,212,872, 7,003,467, 7,272,567, 7,668,723, 7,392,195, 7,930,184, 7,333,929 and 7,548,853. DTS, the Symbol, and DTS and the Symbol together are registered trademarks & DTS Premium Sound 5.1 is a trademark of DTS, Inc. ⓒ2012 DTS, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Covered by one or more of the following U.S. patents : 7,295,673; 7,460,668; 7,515,710; 7,519,274
The terms HDMI and HDMI
Napomena o licenci za korištenje softvera otvorenog izvora
U slučaju korištenja softvera otvorenog izvora na izborniku uređaja dostupne su licence za korištenje softvera otvorenog izvora. Napomena o licenci za korištenje otvorenog softvera napisana je samo na engleskom jeziku.