Samsung LS17MCASS/EDC manual Ako ipak dođe do gutanja, odmah odvedite dijete liječniku


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Neprekidno gledanje u zaslon s premalene udaljenosti može oštetiti vid.

Svakih sat vremena rada na računalu napravite pauzu od pet minuta kako biste odmorili oči.

Uređaj nemojte montirati na nestabilne ili neravne površine ili na mjesta koja su podložna vibracijama.

zNemojte ispustiti uređaj jer se tako možete ozlijediti ili oštetiti uređaj. Mjesta koja su podložna vibracijama mogu skratiti vijek trajanja uređaja ili uzrokovati njegovo zapaljenje.

Prilikom pomicanja monitora isključite i iskopčajte kabel za napajanje. Provjerite jesu li svi kabeli uključujući kabel antene i kabele za druge uređaje iskopčani prije pomicanja monitora.

zNeiskopčavanje monitora može prouzročiti štetu i uzrokovati požar ili strujni udar.

Proizvod postavite izvan dosega djece jer bi ga djeca mogla oštetiti.

zU slučaju pada na osobu proizvod može izazvati ozljede pa čak i smrt.

Kada proizvod ne koristite dulje vrijeme, isključite ga iz napajanja.

zU protivnom može doći do otpuštanja topline zbog nakupljene prašine ili oštećene izolacije, što može prouzročiti električni udar ili požar.

Na proizvod nemojte stavljati omiljene dječje predmete (ili bilo što njima zanimljivo).

zDjeca se mogu pokušati popeti kako bi dohvatila taj predmet. Proizvod bi mogao pasti i izazvati ozljede ili čak smrt.

Kada izvadite baterije iz daljinskog upravljača, pazite da ih ne progutaju djeca. Držite baterije van dohvata djece.

zAko ipak dođe do gutanja, odmah odvedite dijete liječniku.

Prilikom zamjene baterije smjestite u pravilan položaj s obzirom na polaritet (+/- ), kako je naznačeno na držaču baterija.

zPogrešan polaritet može uzrokovati pucanje ili curenje baterija, što može dovesti do požara, ozljeda ili zagađenja (oštećenja).

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Samsung LS17MCASS/EDC manual Ako ipak dođe do gutanja, odmah odvedite dijete liječniku

LS17MCASS/EDC specifications

The Samsung LS17MCASS/EDC is a versatile and innovative display monitor designed to meet the diverse needs of both casual users and professionals. With its 17-inch screen size, it strikes a balance between compactness and usability, making it an ideal choice for various applications, from office environments to creative studios.

One of the standout features of the LS17MCASS/EDC is its high-resolution display. The monitor supports a resolution of 1280 x 1024 pixels, providing crisp and clear visuals that enhance the viewing experience. This clarity is particularly beneficial for tasks requiring attention to detail, such as graphic design, photo editing, or even programming.

The LS17MCASS/EDC employs Samsung's advanced LCD technology, ensuring vibrant colors and excellent contrast ratios. This technology not only improves color accuracy but also minimizes blurring during fast-paced scenes, making it a great option for multimedia consumption as well as productivity tasks. The monitor's viewing angles are also noteworthy, as they allow for consistent image quality even when viewed from different positions, making it suitable for collaborative work.

In terms of connectivity, the Samsung LS17MCASS/EDC offers a range of options including VGA and DVI inputs. This flexibility allows users to connect the monitor to various devices, such as computers, laptops, and even gaming consoles, enhancing its functionality and usability across different platforms.

The design of the LS17MCASS/EDC is both sleek and ergonomic. Its slim profile and lightweight construction make it easy to integrate into any workspace while also allowing for convenient portability. Additionally, the monitor features adjustable height and tilt capabilities, enabling users to find the most comfortable viewing angle and reducing eye strain during prolonged use.

Energy efficiency is another key characteristic of the Samsung LS17MCASS/EDC. With an eco-friendly design, the monitor consumes less power compared to traditional displays, contributing to lower electricity bills and a smaller carbon footprint. This makes it an environmentally responsible choice for conscious consumers.

In summary, the Samsung LS17MCASS/EDC is a well-rounded monitor that combines excellent display quality, versatile connectivity, ergonomic design, and energy efficiency. Whether used for work or leisure, it delivers reliable performance and impressive visuals, making it a valuable addition to any setup.