Samsung LS17MJLKS/EDC manual Neaizklājiet monitora ventilācijas atveres


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zTas var izraisīt elektrošoku vai aizdegšanos.

Raugieties, lai produkts neatrastos vietās, kur uz to iedarbojas eļļa, dūmi vai mitrums; neuzstādiet to automašīnā.

zŠie faktori var radīt nepareizu iekārtas darbību, apdraudēt cilvēku ar elektriskās strāvas triecienu vai izraisīt ugunsgrēku.

zĪpaši nevēlami ir darbināt monitoru ūdens tuvumā vai zem klajas debess, kur uz to iedarbojas lietus vai sniegs.

Ja monitors krīt un tā korpuss ir bojāts, izslēdziet monitoru un atvienojiet barošanas kabeli. Pēc tam sazinieties ar servisa centru.

zIr iespējama nepareiza monitora darbība, elektriskās strāvas trieciena saņemšana vai ugunsgrēka izcelšanās.

Monitoram jābūt izslēgtam zibens un pērkona negaisa laikā, kā arī tad, ja ilgāku laiku nelietojat to.

zIr iespējama nepareiza monitora darbība, elektriskās strāvas trieciena saņemšana vai ugunsgrēka izcelšanās.

Nemēģiniet pārvietot monitoru, pavelkot aiz vada vai signāla kabeļa.

zTas var izraisīt bojājumus, elektrošoku vai aizdegšanos kabeļa bojājuma dēļ.

Nepārvietojiet monitoru pa labi vai kreisi, raujot vienīgi aiz elektrības vada vai signāla kabeļa.

zTas var izraisīt bojājumus, elektrošoku vai aizdegšanos kabeļa bojājuma dēļ.

Neaizklājiet monitora ventilācijas atveres.

zNepietiekama ventilācija var izraisīt bojājumus vai aizdegšanos.

Nelieciet uz monitora traukus ar ūdeni, ķīmiskus izstrādājumus un mazus metāla priekšmetus.

zŠie faktori var radīt nepareizu iekārtas darbību, apdraudēt cilvēku ar elektriskās strāvas triecienu vai izraisīt ugunsgrēku.

zJa monitorā neparedzēti iekļūst kāda viela, atvienojiet barošanas kabeli un sazinieties ar servisa centru.

Raugieties, lai produkts neatrastos ķīmisku aerosolu vai ātri uzliesmojošu vielu tuvumā.

zTas var izraisīt eksploziju vai aizdegšanos.

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Samsung LS17MJLKS/EDC manual Neaizklājiet monitora ventilācijas atveres

LS17MJLKS/EDC specifications

The Samsung LS17MJLKS/EDC is a standout in the realm of computer displays, designed specifically for both professional and casual users seeking a reliable and high-performance monitor. This model boasts a 17-inch screen size that strikes a balance between functionality and compactness, making it an ideal choice for various environments, including offices, homes, and educational institutions.

One of the main features of the LS17MJLKS/EDC is its impressive display quality. With a resolution of 1280 x 1024 pixels, this monitor delivers sharp and clear visuals, ensuring that images and text are rendered with great detail. The display technology employed in this model is TFT-LCD, which provides vibrant colors and wide viewing angles, making it easy to view the screen from different positions without significant color distortion.

The LS17MJLKS/EDC incorporates Advanced Color Management technology, enabling users to enjoy accurate and consistent color representation. This feature is particularly advantageous for graphic designers and photographers who rely on precise color fidelity in their work. The monitor also includes Samsung's Magic Bright technology, allowing users to optimize brightness settings based on their viewing environment, enhancing comfort and reducing eye strain.

In terms of connectivity, this model is equipped with multiple input options, including VGA and DVI ports. This versatility ensures compatibility with a wide range of devices, whether a traditional PC or a modern laptop. The monitor’s flexibility extends to ergonomic features as well, with adjustable tilt settings providing users with the ability to find their optimal viewing angle, further promoting comfort during extended use.

The Samsung LS17MJLKS/EDC is designed with energy efficiency in mind. It is compliant with Energy Star standards, which means it utilizes power-saving technologies to reduce energy consumption without compromising on performance. This characteristic not only benefits the environment but also helps users save on electricity bills.

Overall, the Samsung LS17MJLKS/EDC is a well-rounded monitor that meets the demands of various users. With its compact size, exceptional display quality, advanced technological features, and energy-efficient design, this monitor serves as a reliable option for anyone in need of a dependable display solution.