Samsung LS19CMYKFNA/EN manual Citi ieteikumi


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Drošības instrukcijas

Tīriet monitoru tikai ar mīkstu drāniņu un monitora tīrīšanas līdzekli. Ja ir jāizmanto kāds cits tīrīšanas līdzeklis, atšķaidiet to ar ūdeni propor- cijā 1:10.

Strāvas kontakdakšas kontakti un elektrības kontaktligzda jātīra ar sausu drāniņu.

Pretējā gadījumā varat izraisīt ugunsgrēku.

Pirms monitora tīrīšanas noteikti atvienojiet strāvas vadu.

Pretējā gadījumā varat gūt elektrošoku vai izraisīt ugunsgrēku.

Pirms monitora tīrīšanas atvienojiet strāvas vadu un uzmanīgi notīriet monitoru ar sausu drāniņu.

(Neizmantojiet ķimikālijas – vasku, benzolu, spirtu, šķīdinātāju, moskītu atbaidīšanas līdzekli vai tīrīšanas līdzekli.) Lietojot šīs ķi- mikālijas, var mainīties monitora virsmas izskats un nolobīties uzlīmes.

Tā kā monitora korpusu var viegli saskrāpēt, izmantojiet tikai norādīto drāniņu.

Izmantojiet norādīto drāniņu, samitrinot to tikai nelielā daudzumā ūdens. Ja drāniņai ir pielipis kāds svešķermenis, monitoru var sa- skrāpēt, tādēļ pirms drāniņas lietošanas noteikti kārtīgi to izpuriniet.

Tīrot monitoru, nesmidziniet ūdeni tieši uz monitora korpusa.

Pārliecinieties, vai ūdens nevar iekļūt monitorā un ka monitors nav mitrs.

Pretējā gadījumā varat izraisīt īssavienojumu, ugunsgrēku vai darbī- bas traucējumus.

Citi ieteikumi

Šis monitors ir augstsprieguma izstrādājums. Lietotāji nedrīkst paši izjaukt, labot vai pielāgot monitoru.

Pretējā gadījumā varat gūt elektrošoku vai izraisīt ugunsgrēku. Ja monitors ir jālabo, sazinieties ar apkopes centru.

Ja ir jūtama dīvaina smaka vai dzirdama neparasta skaņa, vai no mon- itora nāk dūmi, nekavējoties atvienojiet strāvas kontaktdakšu un sazini- eties ar apkopes centru.

Pretējā gadījumā varat gūt elektrošoku vai izraisīt ugunsgrēku.

Nenovietojiet šo monitoru vietā, kur tas ir pakļauts mitruma, putekļu vai dūmu iedarbībai, un nenovietojiet to automobilī.

Pretējā gadījumā varat gūt elektrošoku vai izraisīt ugunsgrēku.


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Samsung LS19CMYKFNA/EN manual Citi ieteikumi

LS19CMYKFNA/EN specifications

The Samsung LS19CMYKF series monitors, specifically the LS19CMYKF/EN, LS19CMYKFNA/EN, and LS19CMYKFZ/EN, are designed to deliver exceptional performance and versatility for users seeking a reliable display solution. These monitors are particularly well-suited for both commercial and personal use, offering high-quality visuals and a range of useful features.

One of the standout features of the LS19CMYKF series is its 19-inch screen, which strikes a balance between compact size and ample display area. The monitors boast a resolution of 1280 x 1024 pixels, providing clear and detailed images that enhance user experience. Whether you're viewing documents, multimedia content, or performing graphic design tasks, this resolution supports crisp visuals.

The LS19CMYKF monitors utilize advanced LED backlighting technology, which ensures not only a vibrant color spectrum but also energy efficiency. This LED technology enhances the brightness and contrast ratios, making colors more vivid and blacks deeper. Additionally, the monitors come with an anti-glare coating that minimizes reflections, allowing for comfortable viewing in various lighting conditions.

Connectivity is another strong point of the Samsung LS19CMYKF series. Each model is equipped with multiple input options, including VGA and DVI ports, making it compatible with a wide range of devices. This flexibility allows users to connect laptops, desktops, and other multimedia devices seamlessly.

In terms of ergonomics, these monitors feature adjustable stands that allow users to customize the height and tilt for an ideal viewing angle. This adjustability not only enhances comfort during prolonged use but also promotes better posture and reduces neck strain.

The LS19CMYKF series also incorporates energy-saving features, promoting sustainability without compromising performance. With a low power consumption rating, these monitors help users reduce their energy bills while contributing to eco-friendliness.

Furthermore, the monitors are designed with durability in mind, featuring robust build quality that ensures longevity. They are well-suited for busy environments, be it in an office or educational setting.

Overall, the Samsung LS19CMYKF/EN, LS19CMYKFNA/EN, and LS19CMYKFZ/EN monitors stand out with their combination of high-resolution display, energy efficiency, ergonomic design, and versatile connectivity options, making them an excellent choice for anyone in need of a dependable and feature-rich monitor.