Samsung LS20BRDBSQ/EDC Atstumas tarp taškǐ, Vertikaliosios skleistinơs dažnis, Ʋjunk ir dirbk


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Atstumas tarp taškǐ

Vaizdas monitoriaus ekrane sudarytas iš raudonǐ, žaliǐ ir mơlynǐ taškǐ. Kuo arþiau vienas kito yra taškai, tuo didesnơ raiška. Nuotolis tarp dviejǐ tos paþios taškǐ yra vadinamasis 'taško žingsnis' (Dot Pitch). Vienetai: mm

Vertikaliosios skleistinơs dažnis

Vaizdas ekrane turi bnjti atkuriamas daug kartǐ per sekundĊ, kad vartotojas ekrane galơtǐ matyti paveikslơlƳ. Šiǐ vaizdo atknjrimǐ skaiþius per sekundĊ vadinamas Vertikaliosios skleistinơs dažniu arba Vaizdo atnaujinimo sparta. Vienetai: Hz

Pavyzdys: Jei tas pats žybsnis pasikartoja 60 kartǐ per sekundĊ, tai atitinka 60 Hz.

Horizontaliosios skleistinơs dažnis

Laikas, per kurƳ nubrơžiama vaizdo eilutơ nuo dešiniojo iki kairiojo ekrano krašto, yra vadinamas horizontaliosios skleistinơs ciklas. Atvirkšþias horizontaliosios skleistinơs ciklui skaiþius yra vadinamas horizontaliosios skleistinơs dažnis. Vienetai: kHz

Vaizdavimo pakaitomis ir nuoseklaus vaizdavimo bnjdai

Bnjdas, kai horizontalios eilutơs ekrane vaizduojamos nuosekliai nuo viršaus iki apaþios, vadinamas tiesioginiu vaizdavimo bnjdu (Non-Interlace), tuo tarpu bnjdas, kai iš pradžiǐ atvaizduojamos visos nelyginơs, o tuomet visos lyginơs eilutơs, vadinamas vaizdavimo pakaitomis bnjdu (Interlace). Daugumoje monitoriǐ naudojamas tiesioginis vaizdavimo bnjdas, kadangi juo užtikrinamas aiškus vaizdas. Vaizdavimo pakaitomis bnjdas naudojamas televizoriuose.

Ʋjunk ir dirbk

Tai funkcija, užtikrinanti geriausią vaizdo kokybĊ vartotojui, kadangi kompiuteris ir monitorius gali automatiškai keistis informacija. Šis monitorius atitinka tarptautinƳ VESA DDC funkcijos "Ʋjunk ir dirbk" standartą.


Taškǐ, iš kuriǐ sukuriamas vaizdas ekrane vertikalia ir horizontalia kryptimi, skaiþius vadinamas 'raiška'. Tai skaiþius, parodantis ekrano tikslumą. Didelơ raiška naudinga atliekant keletą užduoþiǐ, kadangi ekrane galima atvaizduoti daugiau informacijos.

Pavyzdys: Jei raiška yra 1600 X 1200, tai reiškia, jog vaizdas ekrane sudarytas iš 1600 taškǐ horizontalia kryptimi (horizontali raiška) ir 1200 eiluþiǐ vertikalia kryptimi (vertikali raiška).

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Samsung LS20BRDBSQ/EDC manual Atstumas tarp taškǐ, Vertikaliosios skleistinơs dažnis, Horizontaliosios skleistinơs dažnis

LS20BRDBSQ/EDC, LS20BRDESQ/EDC specifications

Samsung LS20BRDESQ/EDC and LS20BRDBSQ/EDC are professional-grade monitors designed for a variety of applications, ranging from office work to creative tasks. Both models boast a blend of advanced technology and user-friendly features, making them reliable choices for users seeking robust performance and superior visual quality.

One of the standout features of these monitors is their 20-inch screen size, which strikes a balance between ample screen real estate and space efficiency. The displays utilize LED technology, ensuring vivid colors and sharp image quality. With a resolution of 1600 x 900 pixels, both models deliver detailed visuals that enhance the viewing experience, whether for productivity tasks, multimedia consumption, or detailed graphic work.

The monitors also support a wide viewing angle, thanks to their IPS panel technology. This feature allows for consistent color accuracy and image clarity from various perspectives, making them suitable for collaborative work environments where multiple people might view the screen simultaneously.

In terms of ergonomics, the LS20BRDESQ/EDC and LS20BRDBSQ/EDC incorporate adjustable stands that allow users to customize the height and tilt of the screen. This adjustability contributes to comfortable viewing angles and reduces strain during extended use. The matte finish of the screens helps to minimize glare, making them ideal for brightly lit offices or rooms.

Connectivity options are also a highlight of these monitors. They typically come equipped with multiple input ports, including HDMI and VGA, allowing for seamless integration with a range of devices such as laptops, desktops, and gaming consoles. This versatility makes them convenient for users who switch between different sources frequently.

In terms of power efficiency, Samsung has integrated energy-saving technologies into these monitors, ensuring they consume less energy compared to traditional models. This aligns with eco-friendly practices and helps users save on electricity costs over time.

Overall, Samsung's LS20BRDESQ/EDC and LS20BRDBSQ/EDC models combine technology, design, and performance to offer a superior viewing experience. Their sleek profile, excellent display capabilities, and thoughtful ergonomic features make them appealing choices for both professional and personal use, catering to the diverse needs of modern users.