Samsung LS15HAAKS/EDC, MJ19BSTBV/EDC Nedơkite gaminio nestabilioje ar mažo paviršiaus vietoje


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Prieš montuodami produktą vietoje, kurioje yra daug dulkiǐ, labai aukšta arba labai žema temperatnjra, pernelyg didelis drơgnumas, kur naudojami cheminiai tirpalai ir ten, kur produktas ilgą laiką veikia be pertraukos, pvz., oro uostuose ir stotyse, susisiekite su Ƴgaliotu techninơs priežinjros centru.

Priešingu atveju, monitorius gali patirti rimtǐ gedimǐ.

Pastatykite monitoriǐ ten, kur nedaug drơgmơs ir kuo mažiau dulkiǐ.

zKitaip monitoriuje gali susidaryti elektros kibirkštys arba kilti gaisras.

Pernešdami monitoriǐ Ƴ kitą vietą, bnjkite atsargnjs, kad jo nenumestumơte.

zTaip galite susižaloti arba pažeisti gaminƳ.

Vitrinoje arba lentynoje monitoriaus pagrindą montuokite taip, kad pagrindo galas neišsikištǐ iš vitrinos ar lentynos.

zNukritĊs gaminys gali sugesti ar sužeisti aplinkinius.

Nedơkite gaminio nestabilioje ar mažo paviršiaus vietoje.

zDơkite gaminƳ ant lygaus ir stabilaus paviršiaus, antraip gaminys gali nukristi ir sužaloti pro šalƳ einanþius asmenis, ypaþ vaikus.

Nedơkite gaminio ant grindǐ.

zYra pavojus suklupti už jo užkliuvus, ypaþ vaikams.

Bet kokius degius daiktus, pvz., žvakes, insekticidus ar cigaretes, laikykite toliau nuo gaminio.

zAntraip gali kilti gaisras.

Visus šildymo prietaisus laikykite atokiai nuo maitinimo laido.

zIšsilydžiusi jo danga gali tapti elektros smnjgio arba gaisro priežastimi.

Nemontuokite gaminio blogai ventiliuojamose vietose, pvz., lentynoje, spintoje ir pan.

zVidinơs gaminio temperatnjros padidơjimas gali sukelti gaisrą.

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Samsung LS15HAAKS/EDC, MJ19BSTBV/EDC Nedơkite gaminio nestabilioje ar mažo paviršiaus vietoje, Nedơkite gaminio ant grindǐ


Samsung has established itself as a leading player in the home appliance market, particularly with its impressive range of microwave ovens. Among these, the Samsung MJ17ASKS/EDC, MJ19BSTSQ/EDC, and MJ17ASKN/EDC models stand out due to their innovative features and advanced technologies.

The Samsung MJ17ASKS/EDC is a sleek and modern microwave that offers a powerful cooking performance alongside a user-friendly interface. This model integrates Samsung's exceptional ceramic enamel interior, making it not only easy to clean but also resistant to scratches and bacteria. The patented Eco Mode also enhances energy efficiency, reducing power consumption when the microwave is not in use. Additionally, its smart sensor cooking technology ensures that food is cooked evenly by automatically adjusting cooking times and power levels.

Similarly, the MJ19BSTSQ/EDC model boasts a contemporary design with a sophisticated stainless steel finish that complements any kitchen decor. This model also features a spacious interior, allowing for the preparation of various dishes. One of its notable characteristics is the grilling element, which adds versatility by allowing users to grill, bake, and roast, thereby maximizing its functionality beyond conventional microwaving. The unique Triple Distribution System ensures that microwaves are evenly distributed throughout the cavity, resulting in thorough and uniform cooking.

The Samsung MJ17ASKN/EDC model continues this trend of excellence with a focus on convenience and ease of use. Equipped with a digital display, it enhances visibility while providing straightforward access to various settings. The auto-cook options are particularly user-friendly, offering pre-set cooking times and power levels for a multitude of foods, simplifying the cooking process even for novice users. Furthermore, the child lock feature ensures safety in families with young children, offering peace of mind while using the appliance.

Collectively, these Samsung microwave models showcase the brand's commitment to innovation, combining aesthetic appeal with technological advancements. Their emphasis on efficiency, user-friendliness, and diverse cooking options make them highly sought after in modern kitchens. Whether it’s for reheating leftovers, cooking meals from scratch, or experimenting with new recipes, the MJ17ASKS/EDC, MJ19BSTSQ/EDC, and MJ17ASKN/EDC are excellent choices for any culinary enthusiast.