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Samsung MZ-V5P512BW, MZ-V6P512BW Avis de non responsibilité légale, Copyright, Marques commerciales et marque de service

MZ-75E4T0B/EU, MZ-7KE1T0BW, MZ-V6P512BW, MZ-V6P2T0BW, MZ-7KE128BW specifications

Samsung has long been synonymous with cutting-edge storage technology, and their series of SSDs, including the MZ-V6P1T0BW, MZ-V5P256BW, MZ-M5E250BW, MZ-M5E120BW, and MZ-V6E500BW, exemplify this legacy with a blend of performance, reliability, and innovative features.

The MZ-V6P1T0BW is part of Samsung's 970 EVO Plus series, which employs V-NAND technology for enhanced performance and endurance. With a capacity of 1TB, this NVMe SSD offers read speeds of up to 3,500 MB/s and write speeds of 3,300 MB/s, making it suitable for demanding tasks like gaming, 4K video editing, and professional applications. Its improved thermal control features optimize performance during sustained workloads, ensuring reliability over time.

The MZ-V5P256BW is a member of the Samsung 860 EVO series. This SATA SSD provides a balance of speed and storage with a capacity of 256GB. Utilizing 3D V-NAND technology, it delivers impressive read speeds of up to 550 MB/s and write speeds of 520 MB/s. The 860 EVO is highly regarded for its durability, as it includes a 5-year limited warranty and is optimized for running multiple applications simultaneously, catering to both casual users and professionals alike.

The MZ-M5E250BW and MZ-M5E120BW fall within Samsung’s 840 EVO series, offering capacities of 250GB and 120GB, respectively. These SSDs provide users with exceptional performance and reliability while maintaining cost-effectiveness. With read speeds reaching around 540 MB/s and write speeds of 520 MB/s for the 250GB version, these drives are well-suited for basic computing tasks, including booting up operating systems and running applications more efficiently than traditional hard drives.

The MZ-V6E500BW is another remarkable addition from the 970 series, featuring a capacity of 500GB. This NVMe SSD also benefits from V-NAND technology, offering tantalizing read speeds up to 3,500 MB/s and write speeds of 3,300 MB/s, perfect for users looking for high-speed data transfer and enhanced multitasking capabilities.

In conclusion, the Samsung MZ-V6P1T0BW, MZ-V5P256BW, MZ-M5E250BW, MZ-M5E120BW, and MZ-V6E500BW SSDs showcase a wide range of capacities and performance levels to meet the needs of various users. With their state-of-the-art technologies and reliability, these SSDs are designed to push computing performance to new heights, making them an ideal choice for anyone looking to upgrade their storage solution.