6.Odvrnite prednju nožicu i 2 zavrtnja koji drže donju šarku. (Crtež 7 )

Pre uklanjanja donje šarke skinite nožicu.


7.Zamenite poziciju nosača donje šarke. Odvrnite šraf sa automatske vođice i ključem od 11mm skinite nosač donje šarke. Prišrafite nosač donje

šarke na levu stranu i okrenutu automatsku vođicu vratite nazad. (Crtež 8 )

8.Postavite donju šarku sa donje leve strane frižidera odakle ste u 8. koraku skinuli 2 zavrtnja.

Preostali zavrtanj postavite sa donje desne strane frižidera za buduću upotrebu. (Crtež 9 )

9.Premestite poklopac srednje šarke sa leve na desnu stranu. (Crtež 10 )

10.Odvijte šraf s donje desne strane vrata zamrzivača. Premestite graničnik za vrata, zaptivku šarke i graničnik nosača vrata sa desne na levu stranu. (Crtež 11 )

11.Kolut šarke i poklopac koluta premestite na gornji deo vrata zamrzivača. (Crtež 12 )

12.Pažljivo vratite vrata zamrzivača. (Crtež 13 )

13.Na levu stranu pomoću 2 šrafa pričvrstite srednju šarku. (Crtež 14 )

14.Skinite šraf s donje desne strane vrata frižidera.

Premestite graničnik za vrata, zaptivku šarke i graničnik nosača vrata sa leve strane.

(Crtež 15 )

15.Ključem od 11mm skinite nosač gornje šarke. Okrenite gornju šarku i vratite nosač gornje

šarke. (Crtež 16 )

16.Postavite gornju šarku na levu stranu vrata frižidera. (Crtež 17 )

17.Pažljivo vratite vrata frižidera. Pritegnite 3 šrafa da biste montirali gornju šarku. (Crtež 18 )

Pre nego što vratite vrata frižidera morate okrenuti dršku vrata tipa B. Pogledajte stranu 21.

8_ podešavanje

Kada je reč o dršci vrata tipa A, premestite dršku vrata pošto premestite sama vrata.

18.Postavite vrata frižidera na vrh Ref. (Crtež 19 )

19.Premestite poklopac vrata sa gornje strane vrata frižidera. (Crtež 20 )

Proverite da li se crvena traka na žici nalazi na kraju poklopca gornje leve šarke.

20.Premestite poklopac ekrana. (Crtež 21 )

Pošto ste promenili poziciju vrata frižidera i zamrzivača, postarajte se da njihovi zaptivači budu dobro postavljeni. U suprotnom može doći do pojave šumova ili formiranja kapljica koje će uticati na funkcionisanje frižidera.

21.Skinite poklopac ručke i uklonite zavrtnje, obavezno skinite poklopce, a zatim ih premestite sa desne na levu stranu vrata. (Obavezno pokrijte desnu stranu poklopcima koje ste skinuli.) (Crtež 22 )


Prenji deo uređaja neznatno je viši od zadnjeg dela radi lakšeg otvaranja i zatvaranja vrata. Pokretne nožice okrećite u smeru kretanja kazaljke na satu da biste povećali visinu frižidera, a ako želite da je smanjite nožice okrećite u smeru suprotnom od kretanja kazaljke na satu. (Crtež 23 )

1. slučaj: Uređaj je nagnut ulevo.

Okrećite levu nožicu za podešavanje u smeru strelice sve dok uređaj ne bude potpuno uspravan.

2. slučaj: Uređaj je nagnut udesno.

Okrećite desnu nožicu za podešavanje u smeru strelice sve dok uređaj ne bude potpuno uspravan.

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2012.4.6 2:37:40





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RL39TGCSW1/XEF, RL43TGCSW1/XEF specifications

Samsung has long been recognized as a leader in home appliance innovation, combining style, functionality, and advanced technology. The refrigerator models RL39TRCSW1/XEF, RL43TGCIH1/XEF, RL43TGCSW1/XEF, and RL27TDFSW1/XEF exemplify this dedication to excellence, offering a blend of features that cater to modern household needs.

The RL39TRCSW1/XEF model stands out with its spacious interior layout, designed to maximize storage efficiency. Its All-Around Cooling technology ensures that every corner of the refrigerator is cooled evenly, preventing hotspots and maintaining freshness for longer periods. Furthermore, the Twin Cooling Plus feature uses separate cooling systems for the fridge and freezer, which helps maintain optimal humidity levels in the refrigerator while preventing odour transfer.

Moving to the RL43TGCIH1/XEF, this model features a stylish design with a convenient French door layout. The unit is equipped with a Smart TV feature that allows users to control the fridge remotely via a smartphone app, enabling efficient management of food inventory and reminders for expiry dates. The model also includes a Water Dispenser and Ice Maker, providing cool drinks at the touch of a button.

The RL43TGCSW1/XEF shares similar attributes with the RL43TGCIH1/XEF but emphasizes energy efficiency. Its innovative Energy Saving Mode helps reduce electricity consumption, benefiting both the environment and reducing utility bills. Additionally, the model has a hygiene guard, which uses a special coating to eliminate 99% of bacteria on the surfaces, ensuring a safe food storage environment.

Lastly, the RL27TDFSW1/XEF is perfect for smaller kitchens or apartments. Despite its compact size, this model does not compromise on features. It includes a full-width chiller, providing easy access to meats and fish while keeping them at the optimal temperature. The fridge also supports multi-air flow technology, ensuring that the cooling is consistent throughout the interior.

In conclusion, the Samsung RL39TRCSW1/XEF, RL43TGCIH1/XEF, RL43TGCSW1/XEF, and RL27TDFSW1/XEF models are at the forefront of refrigerator technology. With features designed for optimal freshness, energy efficiency, and user convenience, these appliances cater to the diverse needs of modern consumers while maintaining Samsung’s commitment to quality and innovation. Whether for large families or single professionals, there is a Samsung refrigerator model that suits every lifestyle.