vai iespçjamiem aizdegšanâs avotiem un vçdiniet telpu, kur atrodas ledusskapis, vairâkas minûtes.

-Lai izvairîtos no uzliesmojoša gâzes un gaisa maisîjuma izveidošanâs telpâ, kurâ notikusi dzesçjoðâs vielas noplûde, telpas, kurâ atrodas ledusskapis, lielumam jâatbilst izmantotâs dzesçjoðâs vielas daudzumam.

-Nekad neieslçdziet ierîci, ja tai ir kâdas bojâjumu pazîmes. Šaubu gadîjumâ konsultçjieties ar savu pârdevçju. Uz katriem 8 g R600a dzesçjoðâs vielas ledusskapî nepieciešama

1 m³ liela telpa. Dzesçjoðâs vielas daudzums jûsu ledusskapim ir norâdîts uz identifikâcijas plâksnîtes ledusskapja iekšpusç.

-Ja ierîcç ir izobutânu saturoša dzesçjoðâ viela (R600a), dabîga gâze, kas pilnîgi atbilst vides aizsardzîbas prasîbâm, bet ir arî viegli uzliesmojoša, pârvadâjot

un uzstâdot ierîci, jâievçro piesardzîba, lai nesabojâtu kâdas ledusskapja íçdes




• Neuzstâdiet ledusskapi mitrâ, eïïainâ vai putekïainâ vietâ, vietâ, kas pakïauta tiešai saules un ûdens (lietus) ietekmei.

-Bojâta elektrisko detaïu izolâcija var radît elektriskâs strâvas triecienu vai aizdegšanos.

Nenovietojiet ledusskapi tieðâ saules gaismâ vai krâsns, istabas sildîtâja vai citu iekârtu tuvumâ.

Nepievienojiet vairâkas ierîces vienai kontaktligzdai. Ledusskapim vienmçr jâbût pievienotam atseviðíai kontaktligzdai ar spriegumu, kas atbilst norâdîjumiem

raksturlielumu plâksnîtç.

-Tas nodrošinâs ierîces labâku veiktspçju un arî pasargâs no mâjas elektrîbas vadu pârslogošanas, kas var izraisît aizdegšanos no pârkarsçtiem vadiem. Ja sienas kontaktligzda ir vaïîga, neievietojiet tajâ kontaktdakšu.

-Pastâv elektriskâs strâvas

4_ droðîbas informâcija

Page 52
Image 52
Samsung RL56GSBSW1/XEF, RL56GSBVB1/XEF, RL58GPGIH1/XEF, RL60GHEIH1/XEF, RL60GGERS1/XEF Uzstâdîðanu, Raksturlielumu plâksnîtç


The Samsung RL60GREIH1/XEF, RL58GRGIH1/XEF, RL56GHGTS1/XEF, RL58GPGIH1/XEF, and RL56GEGBP1/XEF are a series of innovative refrigeration solutions designed to elevate kitchen efficiency and enhance food preservation. Each model comes packed with features tailored to meet modern consumer needs, combining style, functionality, and smart technology.

One of the standout features across these models is the Twin Cooling Plus technology, which utilizes separate cooling systems for the refrigerator and freezer compartments. This prevents odor transfer and maintains optimal humidity levels, ensuring that fresh produce stays crisp, and frozen foods maintain their quality for a more extended period.

The sleek and modern design of these refrigerators includes a multi-door configuration that not only enhances the aesthetic appeal but also offers better organization of food items. With adjustable shelves and spacious door bins, users can customize the interior to fit their needs, providing ample storage for large items or bulky containers.

Energy efficiency is another hallmark of these Samsung models, equipped with an advanced digital inverter compressor. This technology minimizes energy consumption by automatically adjusting the compressor speed according to the cooling demand. As a result, these refrigerators operate quietly while contributing to a reduced carbon footprint.

Additionally, these Samsung refrigerators come with innovative features such as a water and ice dispenser that provides chilled water and ice on demand, enhancing convenience during everyday use. The models also include LED lighting, which offers better visibility while using less energy compared to standard bulbs.

Smart features further enhance the functionality of these appliances. Many models are equipped with Wi-Fi connectivity, allowing users to monitor and control the fridge remotely via a smartphone app. Alerts for open doors or temperature fluctuations help in maintaining food safety.

Overall, the Samsung RL60GREIH1/XEF, RL58GRGIH1/XEF, RL56GHGTS1/XEF, RL58GPGIH1/XEF, and RL56GEGBP1/XEF refrigerators represent the pinnacle of modern kitchen technology. With their stylish designs, energy-efficient operation, and smart functionalities, these models not only fit the aesthetic of contemporary homes but also provide exceptional performance in food storage and preservation. Whether for a busy family kitchen or a sleek, modern setup, these Samsung appliances are reliable choices that prioritize both form and function.