Zdvihnûte a vytáhnûte ven nádobu na led ().

Pomocíšroubováku sejmûte kryt osvûtlení().

VymûÀte žárovku (), Înasadte zpût kryt osvûtlenía pomocíšroubováku jej zajistûte.

Nádobu na led nasadte nazpût.


Demontujte šrouby z horní lišty.

Zatáhnûte za kryt ve smûru šipky.

VymûÀte žárovku za novou () a pfiipevnûte kryt osvûtlení zpût na místo.


Indikace vodního filtru “Idikátor filtru”

“Indikátor filtru” vás upozorÀuje, kdy je potfieba vymûnit vodnífiltr. Pokud zelenû svítícíindikátor zaãne svítit oranžovû, je tfieba vodnífiltr vymûnit. Oznamuje vám tak, že je potfieba vymûnit náplÀ filtru.

Pokud svítíindikátor ãervenû, je doporuãena okamžitá výmena filtru. (dalšíinformace naleznete v odstavci “Instalace vodního filtru”)

Použití dávkovače bez vodního filtru

• NemÛžete dávkovaã chladné vody a ledu používat bez vodního filtru, protože by se zablokoval vodovodnípfiívod.

Objednání výmûnných filtrÛ

Pokud chcete objednat více vodních filtrÛ, kontaktujte vašeho autorizovaného prodejce Samsung nebo zástupce SVC.


Dvûfie chladniãky majíspeciálnísystém otevíránía zavíránítak, aby se dvere vždy zcela dovfiely a byly bezpeãnû uzavfieny.

Pokud otvífiáte dvere, zÛstanou otevfiené jen pokud dosáhnete urãitého úhlu otevfiení. Pokud jsou dvefie jen pootevfieny, automaticky se zavfiou.


Page 19
Image 19
Samsung RSE8KPPS1/XEH Vodní Filtr, Dve¤E, Indikace vodního filtru Idikátor filtru, Použití dávkovače bez vodního filtru


The Samsung RSE8VPUS1/XET, RSE8DPPS1/XEH, RSE8KPPS1/XEH, RSE8KPUS1/XEH, and RSE8KPUS1/XEO are part of Samsung's innovative range of side-by-side refrigerators that integrate modern technology with user-friendly features. These models are designed to enhance kitchen experiences while ensuring efficient preservation of food.

One of the standout features across these models is the Twin Cooling Plus technology. This system ensures that the refrigerator and freezer operate independently, maintaining optimal humidity levels in the fridge while preventing freezer burn. It helps keep fruits and vegetables fresher for longer periods, reducing food waste.

The Smart Conversion feature is another highlight, offering flexibility in storage options. Users can convert the bottom freezer into additional storage space for fresh food, adapting to their needs and preferences. This feature is particularly useful for hosting or during large family gatherings when more refrigerator space is needed.

Another crucial aspect is the energy efficiency of these models. With their Energy Star certifications, they are designed to consume less energy, contributing to lower utility bills while also reducing the carbon footprint. The Digital Inverter Compressor runs at different speeds according to cooling demand, ensuring that the refrigerator operates quietly and uses energy efficiently.

In terms of design, these Samsung refrigerators have a sleek, modern appearance with stainless steel finishes that seamlessly blend into any kitchen decor. The interior is equipped with adjustable shelving, ensuring that users can customize the layout according to their storage needs. LED lighting illuminates the interior for easy visibility, even in low light conditions.

Moreover, food hygiene is prioritized with the All-Around Cooling feature, which distributes cool air evenly throughout the refrigerator, preventing temperature fluctuations and ensuring consistent conditions for food preservation.

Finally, the models boast additional smart features, such as touch control panels and compatibility with smart home systems. This integration allows users to monitor and control their refrigerator remotely, making it easier to manage groceries and food storage effectively.

Overall, the Samsung RSE8 series represents a blend of innovation, efficiency, and user-centric design, making them an extraordinary choice for modern households seeking reliable refrigeration solutions.