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Lad apparatet stå i 2 timer efter installationen.

Følg nedenstående anvisninger for at opnå den bedste ydelse:

-Placer ikke madvarer for tæt på ventilationsåbningerne på apparatets bagside, da dette kan blokere for fri luftcirkulation i fryserrummet.

-Pak madvarerne godt ind, eller læg dem i lufttætte beholdere, før de sættes i køleskabet eller fryseren.

-Læg ikke madvarer, der skal fryses, i nærheden af allerede frosne madvarer.

Læg ikke kulsyreholdige drikkevarer i fryserrummet.

Overhold tiden for maksimal opbevaring samt udløbsdatoerne på frysevarer.

Der er ingen grund til at afbryde strømforsyningen til køleskabet, hvis du skal være væk i mindre end tre uger. Hvis du derimod skal være væk i tre uger eller derover, skal du tage alle madvarerne ud. Tag stikket ud af køleskabet, og rengør det. Tør efter med en fugtig og derefter en tør klud.

De fleste strømsvigt, som varer en times tid eller to, påvirker ikke temperaturen i køleskabet. Antallet af døråbninger bør dog holdes på et minimum under strømsvigt. Hvis strømsvigtet varer over 24 timer, skal alle frosne madvarer imidlertid tages ud.

Hvis der medfølger en nøgle til køleskabet, skal denne opbevares utilgængeligt for børn og ikke i nærheden af apparatet.

Apparatet kan blive ustabilt (risiko for optøning af indholdet eller for høj temperatur

ifryserrummet), når det placeres i længere tid under den laveste temperatur, som køleskabet er beregnet til.

Opbevar ikke madvarer, der nemt fordærves ved lav temperatur, f.eks. bananer og meloner.

Placer isbakken i den position, der oprindeligt anbefales af producenten, for at opnå optimal isfrysning.

Apparatet er frostfrit, hvilket betyder, at det ikke er nødvendigt at afrime det, da denne funktion udføres automatisk.

Temperaturstigningen ved afrimning overholder ISO-kravene. Men hvis du vil undgå en unødvendig temperaturstigning i de frosne fødevarer, når du afrimer enheden, bør du pakke dem ind i adskillige lag papir så som avispapir.

Temperaturstigninger i frosne madvarer under afrimning kan forkorte varernesholdbarhed.


sikkerhedsoplysninger _

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Samsung RSH1DTSW1/XEE, RSH1FTPE1/XEE, RSH1NTSW1/XEE, RSH1DTRS1/XEE, RSH1DTPE1/XEE manual Yderligere TIP OM Korrekt Brug


Samsung has consistently been at the forefront of innovative home appliances, and its range of refrigerators is no exception. The models Samsung RSH1DKBP1/XEE, RSH1FTPE1/XEE, RSH1DBPE1/XEE, RSH1DTBP1/XEE, and RSH1DKRS1/XEE stand out for their cutting-edge features, advanced technologies, and practical characteristics designed to enhance the home experience.

One of the main features of these models is the twin cooling system. This technology utilizes separate air channels for refrigerating and freezing compartments, which helps maintain optimal humidity levels and preserves food freshness. This unique cooling system ensures that odors do not mix between compartments while keeping fruits and vegetables crisp and bakery items dry.

These refrigerators are also equipped with a digital inverter compressor. This innovative compressor automatically adjusts its speed according to the cooling demand, resulting in energy savings and quieter operation. The compressor's robust design ensures enhanced durability and longevity, diminishing the need for frequent maintenance.

Another noteworthy feature is the energy-efficient LED lighting, which illuminates the interior more effectively than traditional incandescent bulbs. The LED lights provide greater visibility and reduce energy consumption, making it an eco-friendly option for consumers.

Smart technology integration is another highlight of these refrigerators. Many models in this series come with smart diagnostics that enable users to troubleshoot issues via a smartphone, providing convenience and saving time. Additionally, some versions support connectivity features that allow homeowners to monitor and control settings remotely, ensuring that food is stored under ideal conditions.

The spacious interiors of these models feature adjustable shelves, large door bins, and specialized compartments designed for optimal food organization. This flexibility enables users to maximize storage capacity, accommodating larger containers and various groceries with ease. The sleek and modern designs fit seamlessly into any kitchen decor, enhancing the aesthetic appeal of the home.

In summary, Samsung's RSH1DKBP1/XEE, RSH1FTPE1/XEE, RSH1DBPE1/XEE, RSH1DTBP1/XEE, and RSH1DKRS1/XEE refrigerators offer a combination of advanced cooling technologies, energy efficiency, smart features, and practical design. These attributes make them an excellent investment for families seeking both functionality and style in their kitchen appliances.