Samsung RT29K5030S8/WT, RT32K5132S8/WT, RT32K5132WW/WT Ornatish boyicha jiddiy ogohlantirishlar

Models: RT32K5132S8/WT RT35K5440S8/WT RT29K5030WW/WT RT29K5030S8/WT RT32K5132WW/WT

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O'rnatish bo'yicha jiddiy ogohlantirishlar


Muzlatgichni nam yoki unga suv tegishi mumkin bo'lgan joylarga o'rnatmang.

-Elektr qismlaridagi qoplamaning shikastlanishi elektr toki urishiga yoki yong'inga sabab bo'lishi mumkin.

Ushbu muzlatgichni bevosita quyosh nuri ostiga yoki plita, uy isitgichi va shu kabi boshqa issiqlik chiqazadigan jihozlar oldiga joylashtirmang.

Bir qancha jihozni bitta elektr quvvat tarmog'iga ulangan bir necha rozetkalar uyasiga ulamang. Muzlatgich har doim alohida elektr rozetkasiga ulangan holda turishi va undagi quvvat kuchlanishi zavod taxtachasida qayd etilgan kuchlanishga mos kelishi kerak.

-Bu yuqori darajada xizmat ko'rsatish samaradorligini ta'minlaydi hamda uydagi elektr quvvat zanjirlarining ortiqcha yuklanishi oldini oladi. Yuklanish o'z o'rnida simlarning qizib ketishiga va natijada yong'in chiqish xavfini tug'dirishiga olib kelishi mumkin.

Agar devordagi rozetka bo'shab qolgan bo'lsa, unga elektr quvvat vilkasini tiqmang.

-Chunki yong'in chiqishi yoki elektr toki urish xavfi mavjud.

Uzunligi bo'ylab yoki ikki uchida shikastlangan yoki shilingan joylarga ega kabeldan foydalanmang.

Elektr quvvat kabelini bukmang yoki uning ustiga og'ir buyumlarni joylashtirmang.

Elektr kabelini tortmang yoki haddan ziyod bukmang.

Elektr kabelini buramang yoki tugmang.

O'zbek  7

Texnika xavfsizligi bo‘yicha ma‘lumotlar

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2018-01-09 ￿￿ 6:28:31

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Samsung RT29K5030S8/WT, RT32K5132S8/WT, RT32K5132WW/WT, RT29K5030WW/WT manual Ornatish boyicha jiddiy ogohlantirishlar

RT32K5132S8/WT, RT35K5440S8/WT, RT29K5030WW/WT, RT29K5030S8/WT, RT32K5132WW/WT specifications

Samsung has established itself as a leader in the home appliance market, particularly in the realm of refrigerators. The Samsung RT32K5132WW/WT, RT29K5030S8/WT, RT29K5030WW/WT, RT35K5440S8/WT, and RT32K5132S8/WT models exemplify this with their innovative features, reliable performance, and sleek designs.

One of the notable features across these models is the Twin Cooling Plus technology. This system independently cools the refrigerator and freezer compartments, which helps maintain optimal humidity levels in both sections. As a result, fruits and vegetables stay fresher for longer, and ice cream retains its ideal texture without becoming freezer-burned.

Energy efficiency is another hallmark of these Samsung refrigerators. Many of these models are designed with energy-saving features, including LED lighting that uses less energy than traditional bulbs and a Digital Inverter Compressor. This compressor adjusts its speed based on the cooling demand, which not only saves energy but also ensures quieter operation compared to conventional compressors.

The design of these refrigerators is both functional and aesthetically pleasing. With clean lines and a modern finish, they can blend seamlessly into any kitchen decor. The RT32K5132WW/WT and RT35K5440S8/WT feature a stylish white or silver exterior that exudes elegance. Moreover, the Edge-to-Edge design maximizes storage space, offering a spacious interior that can accommodate large items.

Storage flexibility is a significant characteristic of these models. They come equipped with adjustable shelves and multiple door bins, allowing users to customize the interior space according to their needs. This flexibility ensures that everything from large bottles to small condiments has its place, enhancing organization within the fridge.

Safety and convenience features are prevalent as well. The models include a water dispenser for easy access to chilled water and a No Frost system to prevent ice buildup, thereby minimizing maintenance needs. The digital display makes it easy to monitor and adjust settings with precision.

In summary, the Samsung RT32K5132WW/WT, RT29K5030S8/WT, RT29K5030WW/WT, RT35K5440S8/WT, and RT32K5132S8/WT refrigerators come packed with technological advancements and user-friendly features. They perfectly blend energy efficiency, design, and functionality, making them an excellent choice for modern households seeking reliability and style.